Health Justice Partners is excited to continue our collaboration with The Coleman Foundation as they implement their revised Health strategy, an ever important and timely initiative!
Health Justice Partners is grateful to build upon our strategic planning engagement with The Coleman Foundation as we extend our partnership to support strategy implementation! Clarifying a foundation’s “secret sauce” and its unique role in the local ecosystem brings renewed energy, focus, and alignment. It’s been a privilege to accompany Peter Handler, Tom Trinley, Nathan Stevens, Erin Fleming and The Coleman Board as they refresh the Foundation's approach to improving the health of Chicagoans. Thanks to The Coleman Foundation for your trust and participation and Daniel Cohn, President of Vitric Advisors, for your thought partnership and collaboration. Looking forward to this next phase and the impact that will be sparked! #SocialImpact #Partnershipforgood #StrategicPlanning #CommunityHealthImpact #HealthPhilanthropy #StrategyImplementation #HealthEquity #HealthJusticePartners #VitricAdvisors