Now that I’m reaching my 6 month mark of switching from a W2 role to a 1099 role brokering freight, there are a few key points I can point out that have made my life much more enjoyable. Especially my friends who are still at a W2, I think there are some key points you should really consider.
- My time, my schedule. Yes, obviously I’m putting in just as many hours (I would argue even more at times) than when I was W2, but it’s nice to be able to pop out for a lunch with friends, run an errand, or even just take a 10 minute breather outside if I need. Previous roles if I wasn’t chained to my desk, I wasn’t making money in their eyes
- Prospects and customers are much more willing to talk and develop a relationship with me. The biggest reason for that is I truly think it’s because they don’t have 100 other reps calling them for the exact same business from my company. I can’t tell you how many times I would cold call someone and I was told that I was “the 10th person this week from X Company asking if I could have a shot”.
- I can work wherever I want. If that’s home, a friends house, my dads warehouse (that he so generously has given me an office space for). No more sitting next to someone in an office full of people who would rather be somewhere else.
- No KPIs. If you know, you know. KPIs in my opinion in sales can be irrelevant. Especially if you’re driving revenue. Who cares if I’ve made 100 calls when I’ve been moving shipments and landing customers off 10-15 calls.
- I’m just happier, and it’s more rewarding getting paid off of what I’ve moved/worked for than having a set salary.
I’ve always said this, I’m in the business of getting things done and getting it done right. Not trying to persuade anyone, but taking a risk and going 1099 was probably the best decision that landed in my lap for my career. I was scared at first, but being uncomfortable and scared is the only way you’ll reach you’ll full potential.
Truly, for the first time I feel like I can go anywhere from here with the opportunities I’ve been given the last 6 months.
Here’s to killing it and doing it all independently!