Join us in congratulating HASD&IC Associate Member Griswold Home Care for North San Diego on their new Positive Approach to Dementia Care (PAC) Designation! This is no small feat and reflects their deep commitment to patient-centered approaches that ensure those living with dementia or brain change diagnoses are treated with dignity.
Griswold Home Care for North San Diego is now a Teepa Snow's Positive Approach to Dementia Care? (PAC) Designated Organization! This designation reflects our deep commitment to compassionate, person-centered dementia care. By integrating PAC? principles and techniques, we empower clients, families, and care partners to foster dignity, connection, and meaningful engagement. We’d like to thank Jordana O., PAC Certified Independent Trainer and Coach, for her support throughout this journey. We’re honored to join the PAC community and continue providing the highest standard of care. Read the press release here: #GriswoldHomeCareNorthSanDiego #PACDesignatedOrganization #DementiaCare #MildCognitiveImpairment #BrainChange #PersonCenteredCare #TeepaSnow #PositiveApproachToCare #GriswoldCare