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Here’s a selection of Chan/Zen and meditation-related books ??. These books aren’t easy to understand, but they offer crucial concepts and directions for spiritual awakening. The last one is written by me ??.
The process of awakening is not a pleasant experience. The reality you have taken for granted will collapse. Awakening is a metaphysical death and rebirth, allowing you to return to your true nature. However, once you’ve made it through, you’ll feel tremendous clarity and ease, laughing at the self-imposed troubling thoughts you once had.
1?? Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing by Jed McKenna
This book shatters common ideas about enlightenment. It’s not about improving yourself or following spiritual routines, but realizing truth and dismantling illusions. McKenna’s work challenges everything you know, toppling your self-image and waking you into a new paradigm.
2?? U.G. KRISHNAMURTI (Not Jiddu Krishnamurti)
U.G. rejected the term “enlightenment,” calling it a “natural state” instead. Buddhism talks of another shore, but U.G. says there’s no river to cross. Awakening is like clouds clearing to reveal the sun. His words are cryptic, like Zen koans, striking you with sudden insight.
3?? The Treatise on the Bloodline of the Dharma by Bodhidharma
Essential Chan/Zen reading, along with The Platform Sutra. It expresses: “Directly point to the mind, see your nature, become a Buddha.” Your mind is your true essence. People ignore this and seek outwardly, lost in confusion. Understand your own mind; there’s no Buddha elsewhere.
(Chan is the Chinese root tradition; Zen is its Japanese branch.)
4?? The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch by Huineng
Though it may have contradictions (likely later edits), when compared with Bodhidharma’s Treatise, U.G. Krishnamurti, and McKenna, it shares similar insights into awakening.
5?? Heart, So Close, Yet So Far: From Healing to Awakening (This is by me ??, Chinese published, English coming soon!)
A soul adrift in the human world, navigating the winding journey of the heart in search of itself, asking, “Who am I, really?” This book delves into two major themes: healing and awakening. Healing comes through untangling the knots of inner conflict and finding inner peace, while awakening is the liberation from illusory constructs and breaking free from self-imposed frameworks—a return to your true essence.
This is a map for your soul—it cannot bypass the challenges of the journey or walk the path on your behalf. However, it offers signposts and beacons of light for those navigating the rugged terrain of spiritual growth. May it help to part the clouds and illuminate your way, step by step, as you journey toward the home within.
#awakening #enlightenment #Zen #Meditation #ReadingList #SpiritualPractice #buddhism