Digital Health Expert | Women's Health Founder | AI to Radically Increase Access To Health | Founding PM of the Immersive Computing Group at HP | EIT Health Evaluator | Mother of Two
As with any therapeutics, #DigitalTherapeutics need to be proven effective for adoption by healthcare providers. At HappySneeze, efficacy has been our #1 priority since we started the company. Women like myself, we are too busy to spend our time on a program that does not work. Today, we are publishing the results of a #pilotstudy on the white paper "The impact of a mobile health therapeutic intervention utilizing pelvic floor muscle training with women with stress/mixed urinary incontinence" authored by - Grace Chen, MD at Johns Hopkins Medicine - Rameet Singh, MD, at Holycross Hospital - and Lisa Kane Low CNM, PhD at the University of Michigan The white paper discusses the efficacy and adherence of HappySneeze, as well as its potential contribution to closing the #healthequity gap in pelvic care thanks to providing affordable, at-home access to care. We want to thank Lalitha P. Chandrashekhar. Michelle DiNicolas, PhD and Sarah Baxter, of PFG MedComm, whose generous grant awarded through the FemTech Lab accelerator program made this white paper possible. We also want to thank Roser Corominas PhD for providing statistical analysis and Gemma Vidal Pedrola, PhD for guiding us through the final layout and editing of the white paper. You can download the white paper from our website. We look forward to hearing your thoughts about it!