All sponsors and attendees of the 2024 ASCE Geo-Virginia Short Course on Ground Improvement are currently offered a 10% discount on orders from Handy Geotechnical Instruments.
?? We have excavated, braced, shored, sheared, factored, sloped, and stabilized to the end of our Ground Improvement Short Course Week in Smithfield, VA! We need to take a moment and thank ?? a long list of people! Thank you to the Town of Smithfield for providing us with the venue and catering for our geotechnical event. Thank you to Roger Failmezger, Jeramy Ashlock, J. Brian Anderson ????, and Morgan A. Eddy for their event and speaker coordination! Roger Failmezger also went above and beyond with his hospitality - he is not only a great engineer, but so down to earth and an all around great guy! Thank you to ALL of our speakers this week - we could not have had this event without your expert knowledge! Thank you to ALL the sponsors who supported us through this fantastic week! Your support means the world to us! Thank you to all the conference attendees - this event was FOR YOU ?? and we hope you had a great experience with us! Thank you to our Treasurer Jonathan Bennett, PE, D.GE for keeping the GeoVirginia committee updated and on track for a successful week! Thank you to Karen Sequist for all of her ideas, positive attitude, helping everywhere where needed, and coordinating the “Sponsors Unite” event! Thank you to Glenn Cooke, PE for all of his student outreach efforts and keeping track of the conference attendees! Thank you to Ross Cutts for keeping our website up to date and functional! Lastly, thanks to Sara Beth E. for keeping everyone updated on LinkedIn and through the email blasts on all of our event happenings. She is probably going to take a long nap after this post, ?? so stay tuned for more updates regarding next years events later this year. See the flyer below for some preliminary details. Thank you to all, and to all a good night!