half Helen

half Helen


Austin,Texas 319 位关注者

Helping people see the world clearly.


At half Helen (hH), we exist to help our patients see the world clearly. Founded in 2013, hH started out providing vision and hearing screenings and worked to connect children in need to follow up care providers. Recently hH launched optical Prime, a mobile eye clinic that brings vision care directly to children where they are, at school. Vision impairment is the single most prevalent disabling condition among children. One in four children has a vision problem. With 80% of learning being visual, schools conduct vision screenings for good reason. It’s not enough to identify a vision problem; 40% of children that fail a vision screening never see an eye doctor. Left untreated, uncorrected refractive errors can result in Amblyopia - the number one cause of blindness in children. Closing the access to care gap for children in low-income communities strengthens children’s social and emotional development and academic success.

2-10 人
Public speaking、Advocacy和Research


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    7801 N Lamar Blvd




half Helen员工


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    319 位关注者

    We are beyond excited to share that Chelsea Elliott has been awarded the inaugural Helen Keller Kights of the Blind service award by the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center Foundation (TLERCF)! This incredible honor recognizes Chelsea’s dedication to improving access to vision care in our community. We’re so grateful to TLERCF and the Lions Clubs of Texas for their longstanding support of half Helen and for continuing Helen Keller’s legacy of service. Together, we continue to create a brighter, clearer future for our community ????

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    319 位关注者

    Call or Text to Book an Exam: (737) 615-4233 Half Helen offers routine and medical eye care for people of all ages. From pediatric care to adult eye health, we've got you covered! Whether you need a regular check-up, glasses, or more specialized care, our team is here to help. -- ?Llama o envía un mensaje de texto para programar un examen: (737) 615-4233 Half Helen ofrece atención visual rutinaria y médica para personas de todas las edades. Nos especializamos en el cuidado pediátrico y también en adultos. Ya sea que necesites un chequeo regular, gafas o atención especializada, ?nuestro equipo está aquí para ayudarte!

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    319 位关注者

    Happy World Sight Day! The theme for this year's World Sight Day is "Children, love your eyes." Let’s come together to create a world where every child has access to affordable and available eye care. Imagine a future where every child knows how to protect their vision—whether it's reducing screen time, spending more time outdoors, or seeking help for discomfort—so they can see the world clearly. When was the last time your child had their eyes checked? Let's ensure that eye health is viewed as vital to their overall well-being, education, and development. Schedule an appointment today: (737) 615-4233 — ?Feliz Día Mundial de la Visión! El tema del Día Mundial de la Visión de este a?o es "Ni?os, amen sus ojos". Unámonos para crear un mundo donde cada ni?o tenga acceso a atención ocular asequible y disponible. Imagina un futuro en el que cada ni?o sepa cómo cuidar su vista, ya sea reduciendo el tiempo frente a las pantallas, pasando más tiempo al aire libre o buscando ayuda cuando sientan molestias, para que puedan ver el mundo con claridad. ?Cuándo fue la última vez que llevaste a tu hijo a un examen de la vista? Asegurémonos de que la salud ocular sea vista como fundamental para su bienestar, educación y desarrollo. Programa una cita hoy: (737) 615-4233

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    319 位关注者

    ?? Call to book/Llama para agendar tu cita: 737-615-4233 Ensure your student’s academic success by scheduling an eye exam early in the semester. Clear vision plays a key role in their learning and overall progress. Don’t wait—book your appointment today! -- Asegura el éxito académico de tu estudiante programando un examen de la vista temprano en el semestre. Una visión clara es fundamental para su aprendizaje y progreso. No esperes—?haz tu cita hoy mismo!

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    319 位关注者

    Throughout the month of October, half Helen will be sharing tips for Halloween eye health! Check back for more tips throughout the month. Planning on some fun Halloween makeup? Don’t forget to remove it before bed—sleeping in makeup can cause irritation or infection! Also, check those expiration dates before applying. Old makeup or glitter can harm your eyes, so keep it fresh and safe for a healthy, happy Halloween!

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    319 位关注者

    We had a 100% attendance day! All our patients showed up for their appointments today, and we couldn't be happier. A big thank you to our amazing staff for their hard work and dedication in making this day a success! ?Tuvimos un día con 100% de asistencia! Todos nuestros pacientes asistieron a sus citas hoy, y no podríamos estar más felices. ?Un gran agradecimiento a nuestro increíble equipo por su arduo trabajo y dedicación para hacer de este día un éxito!

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    319 位关注者

    Last weekend, the half Helen team had an amazing time cheering on Austin FC! It was an exciting game that kept us on the edge of our seats right up to the final seconds. We couldn’t believe it when Austin FC rallied and scored two goals at the very end to tie up the match! It was a fun-filled outing, and we’re so grateful to be part of such a passionate community.

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    319 位关注者

    We are incredibly grateful to Vibe Optometry for donating high-quality kids' frames to half Helen! Their generosity allows us to continue providing top-notch vision care to children in our community. Estamos muy agradecidos con Vibe Optometry por donar marcos de alta calidad para ni?os a half Helen. Su generosidad nos permite seguir brindando atención visual de primera calidad a los ni?os de nuestra comunidad.

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    319 位关注者

    We’re excited to welcome you to our new clinic! Our expanded space allows us to serve even more patients and provide top-quality eye care. Don’t wait—schedule your appointment today and let us help you see the world clearly. Call us at 737-615-4233 to book your eye exam! -- ?Estamos emocionados de darle la bienvenida a nuestra nueva clínica! Nuestro espacio ampliado nos permite atender a más pacientes y ofrecer atención visual de la mejor calidad. No espere más—programe su cita hoy y permítanos ayudarle a ver el mundo con claridad. ?Llámenos al 737-615-4233 para programar su examen de la vista!

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