Haiama Beauty will be at the Women of Color Connecting Summit this year ?? ?#AlliesAct, #WOCCON, #womenofcolor #womenleaders? #bethechange #InclusionMustBeIntentional #venture
It's official! We are 1 week out from the virtual WOCCON Summit (https://woccon.org/summit)! If you're seeing this for the first time, the Summit is an invitation-only virtual convening that brings together investors, allies, executives, and policymakers who want to deepen their understanding of the access to capital barriers that women of color entrepreneurs face. We welcome all to attend who are serious about finding solutions that will lead us to a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem! Attendees are already making life long connections in the Summit home page. It's a great opportunity to get in early and connect. Register now and login: https://woccon.org/summit #WOCCON #AlliesAct #InclusionMustBeIntentional #ChangeBusinessAsUsual #InvestorInclusion #MakingWomensHistory #MondayMotivition