Group for Legal and Political Studies的封面图片
Group for Legal and Political Studies

Group for Legal and Political Studies


Leading think-tank in Kosovo dealing with public policy research in the field of #ruleoflaw #democratization #economy!


Group for Legal and Political Studies is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit public policy think tank based in Prishtina, Kosovo. Our mission is to conduct credible and evidence-based policy research in the fields of politics, law and economics, to share this information with the public and contribute to public-opinion formation, and to push forward realistic policy solutions, via engagement and advocacy with media, policy-makers, and elite stakeholders, that address the failures of previous policies, that instigate critical evaluation of current and upcoming policies and offer prescription, and that prompt long-term political, legal, and economic development. Through advocating the policy solutions derived from our policy research, we aim to support four fundamental policy developments: a. to support the democratization of the polity with regard to institutional and substantive policy reform; b. to strengthen the rule-of-law capacity and performance via informed policy solutions and practical advocating strategies; c. to enhance the economic growth and development by promoting market strategies that increase the rate of growth and stability, and d. to help improve regional cooperation and Kosovo’s presence at the international level.

11-50 人
Public Policy Research、Democratization & Development Research、Policy Prescription and Recommendation和Stimulating Public and Stakeholder Dialogue


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    ???? Kosovo After the 2025 Parliamentary Elections – Back to Political Uncertainty? Kosovo’s political landscape is once again at a crossroads. After a period of relative stability, the 2025 elections have brought renewed uncertainty, with no party securing a stable majority. ?? Vet?vendosje (LVV) won by a wide margin but lost its absolute majority, making coalition-building inevitable. ?? PDK & LDK have gained momentum and could unite to challenge LVV. ?? A shift in Serbian representation – Srpska Lista’s dominance has been challenged by Za slobodu, pravdu i opstanak (ZSPO). ?? Three possible scenarios: A new LVV-led coalition, an opposition government, or a grand coalition. While the elections were praised for their regularity, concerns over external interference persist. The coming weeks will reveal whether Kosovo can navigate the complexities of coalition politics—or if political turbulence is here to stay. How do you see Kosovo’s political future unfolding? Let’s discuss. ?? #Kosovo #Elections2025 #PoliticalUncertainty #Democracy

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  • What does the #GrowthPlan include for Kosovo? In the next report published by #GLPS in collaboration with #ThinkforEuropeNetwork you can find out what the #ReformAgenda of Kosovo includes. The #ReformAgenda foresees investments worth 883 million euros in the country's economy divided into areas such as: governance, public administration reforms and public financial management; green and digital transition; private sector development and business environment; development and preservation of human capital as well as the foundations of EU accession / rule of law. This makes #Kosovo the country that gains the most revenue/per capita from this initiative. For more detailed information please read the report This Policy Brief is part of the IGNITA Initiative project “Pathways to EU integration: Advancing the dialogue on the Growth Plan for the WB,” funded by Open Society Foundations - Western Balkans, led by #EPISkopje under the umbrella of Think for Europe Network.

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  • ?? MUND?SI PUN?SIMI A jeni t? interesuar dhe kualifikuar p?r t'iu bashk?ngjitur ekipit t? GLPS-s?? N?se po, ne kemi hapur mund?simi pun?simi p?r dy pozitat si m? posht?: 1?? HULUMTUES/E POLITIKASH: dhe 1?? MENAXHER/E PROJEKTI: Detajet rreth kritereve dhe m?nyr?s s? aplikimit i gjeni n? linqet e lart?p?rmendura. ?? Afati i aplikimit: 28 janar 2025, ora 16:00.

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  • ???????????? ?? ???? ??????? “?????????????? ????????????????” ????? ????????????? (Eng below) Jemi t? lumtur t? ndajm? gjetjet e Raportit t? Ushtrimit t? “Mystery Shopping”, i realizuar si pjes? e projektit ACT NOW, mb?shtetur nga Zyra e BE-se ne Kosove. Ky raport vler?son cil?sin? e tre sh?rbimeve kryesore n? Kosov?—regjistrimi i par? i automjeteve, vazhdimi i regjistrimit t? automjeteve, dhe ndryshimi i pron?sis? s? automjeteve—n? tri rajone: Prishtin?, Gjakov? dhe Ferizaj. Gjetjet e studimit tregojn? se shumica e respondent?ve kishin nj? p?rshtypje pozitive t? par? dhe ofrohet mund?sia p?r t? digjitalizuar m? tej sh?rbimet p?r rritjen e efikasitetit dhe k?naqshm?rin? e p?rdoruesve. Raporti i plot? n? shqip mund t? qaset k?tu: Ky publikim ?sht? pjes? e projektit “ACT NOW – Mb?shtetje p?r Reform?n e Administrat?s Publike dhe Sundimin e Ligjit p?rmes Luft?s kund?r Korrupsionit dhe P?rmir?simit t? Ofrimit t? Sh?rbimeve”, financuar nga Bashkimi Europian dhe i implementuar nga GLPS. P?rmbajtja e tij ?sht? p?rgjegj?si e GLPS dhe nuk pasqyron domosdoshm?risht q?ndrimet e Bashkimit Europian. *** ?????? ???????????? ???? ?????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? We are excited to share the findings of the Mystery Shopping Report conducted as part of the ACT NOW project, supported by the EU Office in Kosovo. This report evaluates the quality of three key public services in Kosovo—first vehicle registration, vehicle registration renewals, and vehicle ownership transfers—across three regions: Prishtina, Gjakova, and Ferizaj. The study revealed positive first impressions from most respondents, along with an opportunity to further digitize the services for improved efficiency and user satisfaction. You can download the full report in English here: This publication is part of the “ACT NOW – Supporting the Reform of Public Administration and the Rule of Law through Combating Corruption and Improving the Delivery of Services” project, funded by the European Union and implemented by GLPS. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GLPS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. #Kosovo #EU #PublicAdministrationReform #PARKosovo #PARProgressKosovo #publicservices #mysteryshopping

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  • ?? JEMI DUKE K?RKUAR NJ? EKSPERT/E ?? Ekspert/e - Ekspertiz? p?r hartimin e analiz?s: Mos legalizimi dhe mos certifikimi i objekteve dhe ndikimi n? t? drejtat e njeriut. ?? Afati i fundit p?r aplikim: Kandidat?t e interesuar ftohen t? dor?zojn? dokumentet e m?poshtme deri m?: 23 tetor 2024 n? or?n 16:00, n? adres?n: [email protected]). Thirrjen e plot? e gjeni n? linkun e m?posht?m. #JUSTREACT #EU Institucioni i Avokatit t? Popullit

  • ?? JEMI DUKE K?RKUAR NJ? EKSPERT/E P?R HARMONIZIMI I KUSHTEVE DHE TERMAVE T? P?RGJITHSHME T? LINCENC?S ME RREGULLOREN P?R PRON?SIN? DHE KONCENTRIMIN E T? LINCENCUARVE T? #KPM-S?. ? ???????????????: t'i ofrohet ndihm?, p?rmes ekspertiz?s, Komisionit t? Pavarur p?r Media (KPM) duke harmonizuar Kushtet dhe Termat e P?rgjithshme t? Lincenc?s me Rregulloren KPM-2023/03 p?r Pron?sin? dhe Koncentrimin e t? Lincencuarve t? KPM-s? dhe legjislacionin tjet?r relevant. Synimi i k?saj detyre ?sht? sigurimi i nj? kornize t? qart? dhe t? strukturuar p?r KPM-n? p?r procesin e licencimit, duke p?rfshir? kushtet dhe termat e p?rgjithshme, kushtet teknike, formatin e programit dhe hart?n e zon?s s? t? licencuarit. ? ?????????? ??????? ??????????????: 10 tetor 2024, Ora: 16:00 ?? P?r m? shum?, klikoni k?tu: P?rkrahur nga: #EuropeanUnionKosovo Partner: #CommunityDevelopmentFund #KPMkosove #Eu #GlpsKosovo #ekspert

  • ?? GLPS presents its latest Policy Analysis: "Towards and Beyond 'No Means No': A Call for Reform in Kosovo's Approach to Rape Cases", authored by #DeaFetiu This Analysis highlights the gaps in Kosovo’s judicial practices concerning rape cases, particularly the reliance on outdated notions such as physical resistance as a marker of non-consent. The paper calls for judicial reforms that emphasize affirmative, voluntary, and informed consent, ensuring that Kosovo's legal response to sexual violence is aligned with international human rights obligations and victim-centered practices. *** ??GLPS prezanton Analiz?n m? t? fundit t? Politikave: "Drejt dhe P?rtej 'Jo do t? thot? jo': Thirrje p?r Reform? n? Qasjen e Kosov?s ndaj Rast?ve t? Dhunimit", nga Dea Fetiu. Kjo Analiz? v? n? pah mang?sit? n? praktikat gjyq?sore t? Kosov?s lidhur me rastet e dhunimit seksual, ve?an?risht mb?shtetjen n? nocione t? vjetruara si rezistenca fizike p?r t? provuar mos-p?lqimin. Raporti b?n thirrje p?r reforma gjyq?sore q? theksojn? p?lqimin afirmativ, vullnetar dhe t? informuar, duke siguruar q? p?rgjigja ligjore e Kosov?s ndaj dhun?s seksuale t? jet? n? p?rputhje me detyrimet nd?rkomb?tare p?r t? drejtat e njeriut dhe praktikat q? fokusohen tek viktimat. Lexoni analiz?n e politikave k?tu ??

  • ?? ???????? ???????? ?????????????? ?? ??????????????/??! P?rmes k?tij angazhimi synohet t? kryhen hulumtime gjith?p?rfshir?se n? kat?r fusha tematike p?r ta vler?suar dhe p?rmir?suar reagimin e Kosov?s ndaj dhun?s me baz? gjinore. Hulumtuesit vler?sojn? kapacitetet institucionale p?r ta luftuar dhun?n me baz? gjinore, do t’i vler?sojn? sh?rbimet mb?shtet?se t? ofruara nga strehimoret dhe qendrat p?r pun? sociale, do t? eksplorojn? caktimin potencial t? femicidit si nj? vep?r penale m? vete dhe do t? vler?sojn? sinergjin? midis p?rpjekjeve qeveritare, joqeveritare dhe nd?rkomb?tare n? adresimin e dhunes ne baza gjinore n? Kosov?. Afati i fundit p?r aplikim: 8 gusht 2024 P?r m? shum? detaje, shihni thirrjen e plot? ??

  • ?? ???????????? ???????????????? -??????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ??????????????: ?? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? Read our latest #Analysis on #GrowthPlan, what is there for #Kosovo and potential implications on implementation. Author: Arberesha Loxha, PhD - Executive Director, GLPS Read the full Analysis ?

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  • ?? ???????? ???????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ?????? ???? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ???????????? ???????????? ???? ???????????? ? Objektivi i k?saj detyre ?sht? t'i ofroj? ndihm? me ekspert? Komisionit t? Pavarur p?r Media (KPM) duke hartuar nj? metodologji q? ka t? b?j? me analizimin e tregut medial. Eksperti/ja duhet t? analizoj? t? dh?nat mbi tregun medial n? Kosov?, t? identifikoj? akter?t relevant, t? hulumtoj?/konsultoj? standardet dhe udh?zimet e BE-s? p?r matjen e audienc?s s? mediave dhe reklamave, t? konsultoj? praktik?n e shteteve tjera mbi mekanizmat q? b?jn? matjen e audienc?s, etj. ? ?????????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ??????????????: ?? ?????????? ????????. P?r m? shum? detaje, ju ftojm? t? shihni shpalljen e plot?. ?? Mb?shtetur nga: European Union in Kosovo

