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Estimated $300,000+ Value in Donated Space for Passback ?? “Place + Space = Organized” I scribbled that takeaway in my notebook back in fall 2023, after hearing Maxine Clark speak at the Delmar DivINe during a WashU Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation & Entrepreneurship event. At the time, Passback hadn’t even purchased its first storage unit. I was running the entire operation out of my boyfriend’s shed and garage. Sports gear piled high, bins stacked in corners, shipments going out the door as fast as I could pack them. Maxine has always been a role model for me. She built an empire around play, kids, and heart—three things that have shaped my own journey at TinySuperheroes and now at Passback. After hearing her speak, I made it a point to stay in touch. Over the next year, we met a few times, and she was generous with her time and encouragement as I worked to grow Passback beyond those early days. Fast forward to the end of 2024, we were outgrowing everything. We had three public storage units and my now fiancé’s home was once again bursting at the seams. I was breaking at the seams, too—exhausted from the constant shuffling, physically moving hundreds of pounds of gear myself, keeping up with growing demand, and knowing there was so much more we could do… if only we had the space to grow. I was desperately praying for a warehouse, searching everywhere, following every lead, but the doors just weren’t opening. Still, I kept following the thread. That mission I couldn’t turn my brain off about. The one that’s been able to bring in global partnerships and inspire kids, teams, and communities. I wasn’t giving up. And then—like Cinderella, after all the grit and grind—there it was: a moment of pure magic. Maxine Clark made a warm introduction to John Cochran. Without hesitation, John Cochran—a successful logistics company owner and fellow soccer enthusiast—offered Passback drastically reduced rent on a massive warehouse space in South City. The very same space where Maxine once built out Build-A-Bear with John helping her along the way. John’s rent reduction represents more than $300,000 of in-kind support. It’s also the gift of possibility. A space big enough for Passback to grow into a regional leader for circularity in sports—helping millions of kids play and protect Mother Earth while doing it It takes a village. Follow the connections—and follow up on those connections. Have courage. Be kind. I’m endlessly grateful to John Cochran and Maxine Clark for their guidance, mentorship, and generosity. And to the whole Passback community that’s believed in this vision from day one. The best is yet to come. With gratitude, Magdalen Pike Founder & Executive Director Passback #stl #entreprenuership #nonprofit #sports #circularity #sustaianbility #soccer #warehouse #stlnews #washu #sdg12 #upcycle #reverselogistics