Last week, I was honored to serve on an Urban Land Institute Advisory Services Panel (ULI ASP) in the beautiful City of Colorado Springs with a remarkable team of subject matter experts from across the country (The Honorable Glenda Hood - Panel Chair, Jose Bodipo Memba, Hal Ferris, David Greensfelder, Todd Meyer and Michael Samuelian). We were called together by community leaders to provide recommendations on the redevelopment of the North Nevada Corridor, a 1.6 mile stretch of blighted land in the urban core. We interviewed nearly 100 community members, including elected officials, civic and business leaders, toured the North Nevada Corridor and labored to bring forward a series of thoughtful recommendations at a press conference and community briefing last Friday. Here is a short summary of some of the recommendations that came from our panel: 1. Envision a thriving innovation neighborhood anchored by key opportunity clusters that are already in the area, including; aerospace, defense, cyber security, sports/health tech, and climate resilience - focusing on the development of an R&D tech hub 2. Create a redevelopment corporation to drive implementation (include city government, industry, civic, biz leaders and philanthropy on the board) 3. Invest in much needed utility infrastructure (including fiber) 4. Commit to growing affordable housing in the area, and build out supporting transportation infrastructure and amenities (grocery, food and beverage, green space and entertainment options) 5. Reimagine the old Birdsall Power Plant as an innovation and community space + use light industrial on the corridor for tech startups and incubator space 6. Knit together the street grid to better connect the neighborhood, green space and circulation 7. Consider re-situating the urban renewal area, strategic land swaps, and creating a special district around the old Greyhound Track to reimagine its use Special thanks to our extraordinary hosts and the whole of Colorado Springs for the privilege of working with your community. The future is bright for the North Nevada Corridor and Colorado Springs is on the rise. Recognition: Sponsoring organizations - University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC, Colorado Springs Utilities, Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority and the City of Colorado Springs (Mayor Blessing ‘Yemi’ Mobolade ). Colorado Springs Planning Committee - Jenifer Furda , Bill Lueck , Tim Biolchini, P.E., PMP , Lynette Crow-Iverson , Gilbert Griego, Richard Mulledy, P.E. , Ryan Phipps , Troy Stover, Todd Sturdevant, Jariah Walker , Bryan English, and Matthew Roberts. And the powerhouse ULI staff - who organized and project managed every detail: Victoria Oestreich, Barbra Gustis, Hannah King and shout out to ULI Colorado Rodney M. Milton, Jr. . #ULIAdvisoryServices