Day4,#HAESI Campaign! “Pushing Past Limits For Impact” We are thrilled to introduce a carousel featuring insights we wish we had known at the beginning of our journeys! Each of us has shared valuable lessons that could have made a significant difference in our early careers. Scroll through to discover what we’ve learned along the way! Remember, every journey has its bumps and detours, but it's all part of the learning process. We keep learning, relearning, and unlearning to grow both personally and professionally. Now, we invite you to share with us in the comments: What do you wish you had known at the start of your journey? Your insights could spark inspiration for others embarking on their paths! Alliance For Women And Girls Senge Mbwoge Sumbede Agnes Onyekwere Justine Nyiranziza Mary Munyao Esnath Mashanda #HAESI2025 #socialimpactfounders #thingswewishweknew #resilienceANDimpact #earlystagecarreer #womenempowerement