Founded in 1981, this is who we are—our mission and core values are the foundation for all that we do.
Go To Nations’ equips and trains missionaries for domestic and international missions. Ministries include Bible Schools, Business as Mission, Discipleship, Children’s Ministry, Church Planting, Community Transformation, Education, ESL, Cross Cultural Missions, Evangelism, Leadership Development, Literacy, Orphanages, Relief and Development work, Ministry for Human Trafficking victims and Youth Ministry.
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3771 Spring Park Rd
This percentage represents real people who are living without the eternal hope of Jesus. Jesus told His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations.” This is the call to all of His disciples—the entire Body of Christ! What’s your role? Are you called to be a Sent One or a Sender? We have a course called “A Call to All” where you can learn more about your role in the Great Commission. Visit and check it out!
WE’RE MOVING! ?? We have launched a capital campaign to relocate our World Headquarters. Why? We are positioning Go To Nations for greater impact–both locally and globally–in the years to come. To learn more, visit
In the church today, one of the most misunderstood concepts is missions. Many people think the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) is a special assignment for a chosen few—those called to foreign lands. The truth is that?the Great Commission is for all of us.?It’s not an option. It’s not a secondary issue to be considered “if we have time.” The very reason the church?exists is?to equip an army of believers who will carry the gospel to every corner of the earth. While some of us are called to be businesspeople, doctors, teachers, or homemakers,?every one of us is called to participate in the Great Commission by either?going?or?sending others.?You can’t have missionaries—those who are sent—without others behind them and supporting them as Senders. This?"Sender-Sent One" principle?is laid out beautifully in Romans 10:14-15, where Paul asks,?“How can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?” If you know you are not called to full-time missions service, then we encourage you to become a Sender. Senders provide needed prayer support, financial resources, and encouragement for missionaries to succeed. Today, we have over 2,600 laborers serving in?120 nations. While much of our field force is comprised of?national workers from many different nations, we have nearly 200 American-supported missionaries who?rely on Senders just like you for monthly support.?We want to help you maximize your charitable giving and at the same time, make a lasting impact in the lives of others. Search our missionary directory or maximize your global impact by undergirding our World Headquarters.
Calamity has struck southeast Asia where many of our missionaries serve and Go To Nations has responded with financial aid to help those most in need –?but there is still more we can do!?Will you consider giving today to our Disaster Relief Fund to provide for the needs of our missionaries and those they serve??Click the link for a real-time field update.
Executive VP of Global Ministries shares the importance of passing our Spiritual DNA to the next generation of those we serve.
How do we respond in times of chaos? Check out our latest newsletter.
Our missionaries John Whitener and Judy Whitener in Guadalajara, Mexico recently celebrated the 44th graduation of Fire From Heaven Institute. The hats on the floor symbolize their accomplishments which are destined to be laid at the feet of Jesus, like the crowns cast in honor and worship. Congratulations on another successful year!
Our mission is not to build ministry but to complete the mission. #gotonations #missions