The GC-DWC has launched a safe and inclusive schools initiative in Haiti, titled “Tout Moun Ladan l” (Everyone is in it) (TML). This program aims to transform Catholic school communities by fostering Whole Child Development (WCD) and enhancing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills within a safe, positive environment. TML implements a diocesan-wide, whole-school approach that improves relationships within schools, equips teachers and students with tools to facilitate discussions, and builds positive classroom environments. The initiative seeks to shift teaching pedagogy to be more facilitative and inclusive, promoting a positive school culture, encouraging prosocial behavior, and helping students develop essential SEL skills, all while enhancing the overall school and community culture. Stay tuned for more updates as TML continues to make strides in fostering inclusive, supportive school communities! Learn more about TML: #WholeChildDevelopment #SEL #SocialEmotionalLearning #Haiti #HaitiEducation