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With high pleasure, we introduce our Springer Collection Book, which will be available very soon, dedicated to addressing one of the most pressing challenges in modern healthcare:?surgery for the frail patient. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to all authors who contributed to this book, including the co-Editor Virginia Boccardi, as well as highly recognized colleagues and the working group led by Agenas (Agenzia Nazionale per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali). This groundbreaking book explores a?transdisciplinary approach to general surgery?that adopts a geriatric model of care for frail individuals—moving beyond chronological age and embracing a tailored "gerosurgery" approach. In a world where aging, frailty, and surgical needs are rising sharply, surgeons often grapple with balancing short-term outcomes and long-term efficacy, especially in older adults. However, emerging evidence reveals that?age alone is not a predictor of surgical risk; instead, cognitive and functional frailty are critical factors. Rather than denying surgery based on age, this book advocates for?decision-making grounded in Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), a holistic approach that considers cognitive, functional, nutritional, and emotional health. ???Studies highlight that preparative CGA enhances outcomes?in frail, older adults. With examples from orthopedics leading the way, this volume emphasizes the necessity of?multidisciplinary team care—including geriatricians, anesthesiologists, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, and nutritionists—to support surgeons throughout the patient's journey. ???What will readers gain??An extensive, practical guide to managing frail surgical patients effectively and creating clinical systems that are reliable and patient-centered. Let’s empower surgical teams with the tools to elevate care standards for frail patients and usher in a new era of gerosurgery. #GeroSurgery #FrailtyCare #ComprehensiveGeriatricAssessment #MultidisciplinaryCare #Surgery #AgingPopulation #PatientCare #SpringerCollection Agenas Ministero della Salute AMiSNS w Elbl?gu Olga Reva COPERNICUS Podmiot Leczniczy Sp. z o.o. w Gdańsku Felice Picariello TROGSS - The Robotic Global Surgical Society Rodolfo J. Oviedo, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FICS, DABS-FPDMBS European Federation International Society for Digestive Surgery (EFISDS) Karol Polom Joanna Po?om MD Sergii Girnyi Tomasz Cwaliński