Global Compassion Coalition转发了
COMPASSION FOR ALL AGES is a lighter, accessible online adaptation of Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living, and focusses on what many of us had wished to learn at school: how to live healthier and happier lives, not by looking away, but by responding to the suffering in the world, with mindful compassion. If we wish to pass on a story of hope and resilience, rather than one of despair and catastrophe, we need a simple, common language to meet the many challenges we face, a language that does not divide but brings together, that bridges different ages and cultures, science and art, religious and other worldviews. A language that acknowledges our individual and collective suffering, our common humanity in all our diversity, and our interconnectedness with all beings. The Global Compassion Coalition organises 4th-5th October a 2-day workshop around making a start with finding this common language for cultivating compassion in today’s world. It aims to introduce you to some key themes and practices from?"Compassion for all ages", applicable in many situations. For more information see first comment ?? #compassion #mindfulness #mbcl #health #psychology #education #school #ages #humanity #diversity #language #nature #culture #collective #suffering #happiness #workshop