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The catastrophic storm in Western NC has left many towns & cities devastated, with residents in need of basic essentials like food, water, and electricity. Urging everyone to contribute to relief efforts in any way possible. Find a local group organizing support and make a difference today. THANK YOU! #NCStrong #HeleneRelief #WesternNCHurricaneRelief #NCStormRelief #HurricaneHeleneResponse #DisasterReliefNC #WNCStrong (Western North Carolina) #AshevilleResponds (Asheville, NC) #HendersonvilleHelps (Hendersonville, NC) #BuncombeCountyRelief (Buncombe County, NC) #WesternNCRecovery #DonateForHelene #VolunteerForNC #HeleneReliefEfforts #SupportWNC #NCDisasterReliefFund #RedCrossWNC #SalvationArmyNC