Where do you draw the line between persistence and harassment? Story time. Strap in. I listened to Aaron Spivak on Lukas Pakter's podcast and he shared a story saying you don’t want it bad enough if you’re not calling the people who abandon their carts. For those unfamiliar—when users create an account on a Shopify website and abandon their cart, their info is stored on the backend. While automated email flows handle follow-ups, I decided to take Aaron’s advice and make direct calls. First call: She picks up. I politely introduce myself, ask if she needs more info on our leg compression sleeves, and try to understand what’s holding her back. Sharply responds “That’s none of your business we went with another brand.” A bit unsettled, I apologized, expressed curiosity, and hung up. 2 minutes later I get a call back. "Sorry, I was rude. It was a gift for my son, and I wasn’t sure about your return policy." I explained our policy, highlighted what sets us apart, and connected over mine and her son’s running regiment. She loved our personalized modalities and the fact that I invited them to reach out directly to my cell for any questions or tips. A few hours later, her son followed us on Instagram. I messaged him—and the rest is history. Successfully flipped into loyal customers. Providing exceptional service and fulfilling client needs through a tailored approach is a core pillar that sets RECO apart. If you’re reading this and I’ve messaged you—shoot me a response, or you might just hear from me again because I know we can provide value :)