On 21 February, the Swiss Embassy’s legal section hosted a panel discussion on arbitration: “USA, #Switzerland, and EU: Diverging Paths in #Investment #Arbitration” at our Embassy.
After the welcome remarks by our Deputy Chief of Mission, Christoph Sommer, Angelika Murer (Georgetown LLM Candidate, Associate at Homburger AG) presented recent developments in the EU’s jurisprudence in the field of arbitration. The European Court of Justice’s decision to deny the enforceability of intra-EU arbitration awards has raised concerns about the predictability of and the trust in arbitration in this context.
Prof. Don Wallace then delivered a keynote address in which he highlighted the fragmentation of the arbitration landscape.
Anya George (Schellenberg Wittmer, Zurich), Paul Levine (Baker Hostetler, Washington D.C.), and Luke Sobota (Three Crowns, Washington D.C.) discussed on a panel moderated by Caroline Lauk (Georgetown LLM Candidate) the challenges to arbitration as a universally accepted dispute resolution tool, as well as the role of Switzerland and the USA in this environment.
In her optimistic closing remarks, Prof. Anne-Marie Whitesell underligned Switzerland’s culture for arbitration.
The Embassy would like to thank Caroline Lauk and Angelika Murer as well as to the Georgetown International Arbitration Society for the great collaboration.