Thank you Nicole Kershner for representing GatorKits Lab - UF at this event and providing visibility for our important work on lab kits and Virtual Exchange. Another example of cutting edge hands-on engineering education research ongoing at UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering.
Energy-Thermal-Fluids Authority | Mech & Aero Engineering Instructional Assoc. Professor at University of Florida | Past EdTech CEO & Energy Tech CTO Seeking New Opportunities
Nicole Kershner, our senior graduate student in GatorKits Lab - UF, represented the lab at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida graduate student recruiting poster session. Nikki showcased her work on educational lab kits used for engineering Virtual Exchange with our Egyptian partners at Aswan University. This work is sponsored by The Stevens Initiative at the Aspen Institute through the U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs []. #GoGators?? | #LabKits | #StevensInitiative | #USDeptOfState | #VirtualExchange