Educational and Career Coach | Expanding Life's Journey | Executive Leadership | Outside of the Box Thinker
I had a wonderful time this week at the Gardner Institute Symposium 2024. I'm thankful to represent Texas Woman's University Curriculum and Strategic Initiatives Division and Jorge F. Figueroa Flores, Ph.D to bring back transformative innovation to our TWU system. The working sessions and data to assess and explore varying dynamics to student success was extraordinary. The research presented for FYE, Transfer students, and even faculty and staff engagement was great. It was wonderful to network with individuals from Texas, Michigan, Ohio, and beyond and have an awesome conversation with co-founder John N. Gardner. It was great to collaborate with Tim McDuffie (Dallas College), Akilah A. Martin, Ed.D. (Assistant Vice-President - Gardner Institute), Connor Jennings (College of the Mainland), Carolyn Chang (Texas State University), and Renee Esparza (Austin Community College). #highereducation #studentsuccess #studentready #collegeready #transformativeinovation