Specializes in solving brain drain and de-risking the risk. How? ??Delivering durable ROS (return on skills) ?? Capturing lessons learnt + repurposing wisdom ?? ??Kiikstart Founder + Creator of The Circular Workplace ??
Leaders Is Your Pace On Point or Off Piste? Recently I had the pleasure of co- facilitating a webinar with Neil Harrison where we joined the strategic dots between AI/ People Growth and Organizational Development ?? Let's start with pilot component of Neil's 4 P's approach to AI adoption (I'm not in order but work with me) Pilot: AI innovation through experimentation and experiential learning ?? What's this mean? This is where plans turn into action through safe experimentation. Here, cross-functional teams combining technical expertise with business acumen test AI prototypes in real-world conditions. This practical learning phase ensures solutions align with business objectives while meeting requirements for cost, security, usability, or other criteria deemed important for the organization. Importantly, it also builds stakeholder buy-in through demonstrated value and participation. People Growth/Organizational Development ?? Where's the link ? The importance of self-reflection, lessons learnt and real and potential mistakes needs to be the focus here. When we are learning and experimenting with new skills there’s three essential elements we need to embed into our L & D approach ?? 1?? Incremental learning with real time experimentation. Note the timing of the experimentation is key - get feedback from your Learners first. 2?? Coming back and debriefing on the experiences and lessons learnt - including mistakes - real and potential. 3?? Making changes to the learning experience as needed. This approach delivers a number of benefits: - Layers confidence and capability along the way as skills are acquired by teams. - Increases the level of complexity associated with skills over time. Not moving on until there is evidence of being competent within the specific skill/skill set. This is referred to as scaffolded learning ?? See it's not just what you learn that matters, but the pace and flow of the learning ?? What's one factor that determines learning success for you?Come share your opinions in the comments. PS ?? If you're a purpose led Leader/Founder serious about solving organizational brain drain please follow me Ali Uren ??and subscribe to my newsletter- The Experiment * (details on my profile page) *Original wisdom + lessons + strategies tested and proven in the real world.