So a guy walks in the consult room, opens a bag and slams down a bunch of broken dentures and partial dentures. 3 years into treatment and no teeth! He says he lost a few of his implants and had a couple replaced “for free.”
For free??? This dentist robbed you! It was a shitty mini implant case with ZERO prosth planning whatsoever.
No surgery skill. Missed an 8+ mm ridge with a mini. Had 20+ mm length and didn’t place deep enough. No alveoloplasty. No basal. Also didn’t get a picture of your crappy broken partials not even with metal reinforcement. And even if those remaining 4 teeth were in “perfect” condition, I have to ask, “what the hell good are they?”
Congratulations. You suck at both surgery and prosth. But here’s the kicker. You’re good at marketing. Yep. Google has your ads claiming superiority over everyone. And it’s on social media. By the way. You look like you’re 12. Just sayin!
I called an offered you help and you said you didn’t need it. You went to all the courses you need. Shame.
This wasn’t done in Venezuela. Nope. Right here in the USA. on Virginia Beach BLVD.
I see it almost monthly from this other office. What is a conscientious ethical doctor to do? I just can’t with this! I’m seeing this every other day walk into my consult room from somewhere locally. (Also see the overseas stuff.). The visit always starts with a discussion with an already understandably angry patient ready to punch every dentist he sees. I muster the actor in me to say, “no no, let’s not sue him. …he’s doing the best he can with what he knows …. He didn’t intentionally try to hurt you….its water under the bridge… let’s start over new.”
Winter is coming people! Wake up. Get training. Or refer. Stick to composite fillings and maybe endo. But whatever you do, be an expert.
Also btw, this was the third full mouth failure to walk thru my door today. 3! THREE! I can fix them all, but no one can afford it after a previous dentist robbed them at drill-point of 15-20 thousand American dollars. (I mean I know greenbacks aren’t worth much anymore, but that’s still a lot of money!)
Sometimes I think “malpractice,” should be replaced with “battery and grand theft.”
Anyone here can come to the Atlantic Implant Institute for training. My first promise. I am brutally honest. I will tell you what works. I’m going on 2 and a half decades of almost only implant surgery and prosthetics.
Sorry for the rant. But I am a Marine and incapable of bullshit. Integrity, decisiveness and honesty are in my Corps. You will always hear the truth from me. I don’t mince words. Judgement is without prejudice. It is neither wrong or right.
I think im pissed because I’ve been seeing it from this office for years and no improvement. And tired of seeing it daily with poor unsuspecting nice people who deserved better.
#failure #allon4 #implants