One of the goals of the FT8 Users Group is to avail end users useful information at the click of a button. No hoops to jump through. Did we miss any acronyms the alphabet soup below that is common vernacular amongst seasoned #FT8 #gasturbine experts but is helpful for others with less experience? Please comment on any additions to the list, which is available here:
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43-1 - Control Location switch
43-2 - Operating Mode switch
52G - Generator main circuit breaker
AP - Access Port
AVR - Automatic voltage regulator
CAB - Cold Air Buffer
CDB - Controlled Driveback
CHMBR?-?Combustion Chamber
CPR - Compressor Pressure Ratio
CRES - Corrosion Resistant Steel
CSD - Controlled Shutdown
DLN - Dry, low NOx combustor
DOD - Domestic object damage
EE - Exciter end (of electric generator)
EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature (T 5.0)
EXCTR - Exciter
FCV - Flow Control Valve
FOD - Foreign object damage
FPI - Fluorescent penetrant inspection
FSNL - Full speed, no load
FTM - Field Termination Module
GG - Gas generator (consists of the compressor and hot sections only)
GRBX - Gearbox
GTA - Gas-turbine 'A' Side
GTB - Gas-turbine 'B' Side
GT - Gas turbine (GG pieces with the PT attached)
HCF - High-cycle fatigue
HGP - Hot gas path
HPC - High-pressure compressor
HPT - High-pressure turbine
HX (H/X) - Heat Exchanger
HYD - Hydraulics
ID - Inner dimension (diameter)
IGN - Ignition
IGNTR - Igniter
IGV - Inlet guide vane
LCF - Low-cycle fatigue
LF - Liquid Fuel
LM - Land and marine
LO - Lube oil
LPC - Low-pressure compressor
LPT - Low-pressure turbine
MCD - Magnetic chip detector
MHI - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MOH - Major overhaul
MPA - Mitsubishi Power Aero
N1 - speed-LPC
N2 - speed-HPC
N3?- speed-PT
NEE - Non-Exciter end of Generator
NGV - Nozzle guide vane
NH - High Pressure Compressor Speed
NH Dot - HPC Speed Rate of Change
NL - LPC Speed
NP - Power Turbine Speed
OD - Outer dimension (diameter)
OEM - Original equipment manufacturer
P&W - Pratt and Whitney
P1.7 - Ambient Pressure (Inlet)
P2.5 - 6th Stage Air, Static Pressure
P2.8 - 8th Stage Air, Static Pressure
P3 - HPC Discharge, Static Pressure
P5 - Total Turbine Discharge (Power Turbine In)
Pb Dot - Burner Pressure Rate of Change
PN - Part number
Ptal - Platinum aluminide
PT - Power turbine (turns a generator, pump, compressor, propeller, etc)
PTTB - Power Turbine Thrust Balance
PWPS - Pratt & Whitney Power Systems
RCA - Root cause analysis
RFQ - Request for quote
SAC - Single annular combustor
SB - Service bulletin
SL - Service letter
SUP - Superseded part
TAN - Total acid number (lube oil)
TA - Technical advisor
TAT - Turnaround time
TBC - Thermal barrier coating
TEC - Turbine exhaust case
VIGV - Variable inlet guide vanes
VSV - Variable Stator Vane