Thanks to the Food is Medicine Institute and all of the other organizers and advocates that committed time and energy yesterday to protect and advance policy that will unlock the potential for #foodasmedicine. It was an honor to participate in our democracy on behalf of an issue we care about so deeply.
Our 2nd Annual Food is Medicine Advocacy Day on March 12, 2025 was a success! This Food is Medicine (FIM) Advocacy Day was more than double the size of our inaugural Advocacy Day in April 2024—a testament to the strides that have been made to advance the field, and to the continued high interest in advancing food is medicine through federal policymaking. Highlights from the day:? ?? Nearly 200 attendees from least 28 states and D.C., representing a wide cross-section of voices invested in FIM: patients and participants in FIM programs, physicians, registered dietitians, food industry representatives, food banks, providers of FIM services and products (medically tailored meals, medically tailored groceries, and produce prescriptions), healthcare systems, life insurers, researchers, nonprofit organizations, and more.?? ?? 160 office visits conducted by 20+ teams to educate Congress on the importance of #foodismedicine and voice support for #medicallytailoredmeals #medicallytailoredgroceries #produceprescriptions #nutritionresearch and #nutritioneducation for physicians and other health professionals. ?? 3 Congressional champions addressed attendees and and urged us to continue and build on the momentum.? The concept and potential for Food is Medicine was well-received by both Republican and Democratic offices and leaders in the Senate and House. The event greatly benefited from the expertise and contributions of its organizing committee members: American College of Lifestyle Medicine, American Heart Association, Capital Area Food Bank, Food is Medicine Coalition, Harvard Law School Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, Instacart, John Hancock, National Produce Prescription Collaborative, Pennington Biomedical Research Center To learn more about the event, visit: