We’ve all been there—worrying about the future, stuck in that fight-or-flight loop. Our CCO at Freestyle+ is dropping some gems on how to break free from that scarcity mindset.
Humans are designed to worry about the future. We are hard wired to have a scarcity mindset and so a lot of our energy is spent in an anxious state around the what ifs... Here's what we know. The world is full of changes and the moment we realize that our world is in flux we tend to trigger our fight or flight. But there are ways to rewire your brain to stimulate a healthy hypothalamus regulation (i.e. - not trigger your fight or flight unnecessarily). Here are my top three. 1. Learning as a continuous journey (opposed to an one-and-done accomplishment). We learn best when we make these fun short bursts that we want to repeat in the future. 2. Develop your emotional intelligence. Human centered skills will increasingly be in demand and games are a great way to learn people's behavior patterns and preferences. 3. Get comfortable with technology. Seems in direct conflict with the last suggestion but we can live in a Yes, Both world. Find ways to interact and learn about AI and Large Language Model sets. And thanks to everyone who reached out after my burnout post!! It is so nice to know the world has so many people willing to be kind, to lend their wisdom and to show up for you. Oh, did you know that @freestyleplus will be back at BetterUp's UpLift in NYC this year!! Join us -- either in person or virtually! https://hubs.la/Q03cLMNq0