Sales Deck 101
Sales decks... Some people think they are history books full of data and stories. Some people think they are Novels, the more words the better. Some people think they are children's books. Lots of picture, and something you have to read to a buyer before nap time. They're not. Your sales deck should have a little of each of the above, data, engaging copy, on brand images, and should be like your sales pitch. Short, concise and provide the information your buyer cares about. They can be tailored to specific retailers or channels but that doesn't me they have to be recreated every time. This is how I have had success with a sales deck outline. 1. Cover page: Brand picture + retailer logo = this story is about us. 2. Founder/ Origin story = Who you are, why you made what you made and why it matters to the consumer and retailer. 3. Product portfolio= images of the product, bar codes and basic specs/ nutritional 4. Consumer data = who is your consumer and why, and do you have proof? 5. Sales data= your sales data. If you are just starting and don't have any, use anecdotal sales data from farmers markets, or DTC or include category trends. 6. Marketing= how are you going to support your brand and bring awareness to your brand both holistically and specifically for the retailer. Sustainability, social cause, etc. 7. And they lived happily ever after... = call to action; recommended skus, promotional support, distributor info, unique selling point highlights, marketing and thank you with contact information. Cut the pages you don't need depending on the retailer. The last page should be specific to the retailer meaning use their promo guidelines, use their terms for digital coupons etc. Many retailers will only want 3 or 5 pages max. Learn to combine pages or be more succinct to take your core 7 down to the requested amount of pages. You can also provide the 5 with an appendix and they can choose to look at the extra info while still giving them a good understanding in a format they can absorb. And for the love of god man, don't read off of it when you are presenting! It's an easy trap to fall into, I've done it and it is not what the buyer wants on a call. Use it as a reminder of what you want to talk about but DO NOT READ IT TO THEM. #cpg #sales #salesdeck #branddeck Fr-Action Sales Management