Our National Dealer Summit in Las Vegas was a whirlwind of inspiration, innovation and yes – plenty of fun! Our lineup of guest speakers, expert-led discussions and interactive breakout sessions were nothing short of excellent, providing us with new perspectives and forward-thinking ideas. We explored new products and gained educational insights that will undoubtedly shape our future strategies. A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to such an impactful event and made this experience so memorable! Let’s continue to drive innovation together! GreatAmerica Financial Services DXone Hytec Dealer Services, Inc. AGENTDEALER? GO2 Partners Koloni SalesChain LLC Astro Machine Corporation, OnShip, FlexSystems Business Technology Association BPO Media Industry Analysts, Inc. Michael Stramaglio Stramaglio Consulting Jim Kahrs, CVB Greg Goldberg Jim D'Emidio Hiro Ueda Patricia Ames Andy Slawetsky Brent Hoskins Friedrich Conzen