Stand up with and for your creatives and send your MP an email this afternoon, we need to keep raising this issue to protect the future of our creatives. You've still got time and the template makes it a 2 minute job! Read more about the Make It Fair Campaign Here : Go directly to the email template here :
Scraping our work from the internet and using it it to train generative AI models for free is not fair. Let's Make It Fair. Today is deadline day for the Government's consultation on 'Copyright and Artificial Intelligence'. They are proposing to offer up all creative content online to AI developers under a new copyright exception. For no payment. We need to keep pressuring government, and the best way is to write to your MP expressing your concerns over potential loss of income, the impossibility of an 'opt-out' of the copyright exception for online content, and how your copyright is not theirs to give away. Write to your MP here with a handy template with existing content you can add to #MakeItFair #MadeByHumans #PayTheCreator AOI AI Updates here