If you're dealing with complicated processes, tasks that don’t happen often, training gaps, or important equipment that lacks technology, Flowtara.io brings smart, connected workflows where and when you need it. The best part? We are opening the platform to more users. New accounts automatically receive digital versions of our resource tags for immediate exploration, and physical tags will be made available upon request. (NOTE: Flowtara is exclusively for business use.) Sign up at https://flowtara.io and get started with four unique resource tags, no strings attached. This is available until we reach a limit of new accounts. Flowtara excels in improving operational readiness, and getting started is as simple as attaching a tag to your device, no complicated setups or integrations required. Interested in what we're doing? Have experience with SaaS startups and want to talk? Let's connect! Jeremy Harlow. #startups #processimprovement #saas