Yesterday was pitch-er perfect ;) including a first place pitching win! I got to refine my story-telling narrative thanks to the amazing help of The City University of New York Firefly Innovations: The Premier Public Health Entrepreneurship Platform. Despite having a little bit of #impostersyndrome, I also sat on the #panel for a Q&A on pitching strategies for Camelback Ventures' new cohort (very thankful for the invite and to chat with all the new amazing ventures). Then I got to wrap it up with a unique and fun pitch competition (and a win!)- this time courtesy of Cenfluence and Plug and Play Tech Center. Special thank you to Marie Onakomaiya, PhD MPH Neha Sachdeva Ananya Bhattacharya for the pitch practice; Selam Kebrom and Danielle Meltz for the panel invite; and Cary Wheelous, Jessica Wilson, MSc, PMP, and Carol M. Nasseh for the pitching tips!
Yesterday was an incredible inaugural Pitch n' Brew at Oviedo Brewing? co-hosted with Plug and Play Tech Center! Thank you to everyone who showed up and watched 5 of our Cluster Members compete for a one-of-a-kind trophy! Our amazing Panel of judges was impressed by all the presenters, but there could only be one winner! ? Congratulations to Jessica Ellen King of FlowIntell on your win! ? Thank you to our other competitors: Silicon Assurance , Spot - Social Fitness App, Synopsys Inc, and Oversky! ? Thank you to our judges Adrea Wesser-Brawner, Rafael Caama?o, BBA, MBA, and Cassandra Willard, Esq.! ? Thank you to everyone who showed up to support and learn more about the exciting stuff happening within the innovation ecosystem. #InnovationEcosystem #Connection #PitchNBrew