If you know anyone affected by government job cuts, please pass them along! We want to help. Five3 Consulting Five3Consulting.com
KNOW ANYONE AFFECTED BY GOVERNMENT CUTS? I’m offering free conversion of Government CV over to private sector resumes, including simple cleanup. I will offer discounted services beyond this too, as needed. In addition, there may be demand for me to offer some online sessions to help people entering the private sector with their LinkedIn and other job search methods. If I get enough interest, I can do this for low-cost, if not I have to charge per-person rates (only because my husband may also lose his job otherwise I’d eat the costs). Have anyone interested send me what they’ve got- [email protected]. We're happy to help out during these uncertain times. Please share this for reach! Five3 Consulting five3consulting.com #Five3Consulting #ResumeWriting #JobSearch #LinkedIn #USA #Government #PublicSector #PrivateSector #Fed #FederalJobs #five3consulting #resumewriting #jobsearch #linkedintips #usa #FederalEmployees #privatesector #PrivateSectorEngagement #privatesectorworkers #PrivateSectorJobs #publicsector #publicsectorjobs #government #governmentjobs