People always make the difference in any organization. The people who work there, the people who are leading the organization, the people on the board, the people who are impacted, and the people who give their resources to support the organization. We are a very blessed!
Leaders lead. I was talking with a lawyer last week who wanted to up his leadership in his firm. My advice, start leading. I gave some concrete examples, of course. I’ve been thinking a lot about that exchange this week. I looked back at how far I’ve come as a leader over the last 16 years since law school. One of the biggest examples of positive leadership in my life has been Robert Day. Robert has been the CEO of FIVE18 Family Services for almost 15 years. Shortly after he became CEO, he asked me to join the board. A few years ago, he asked me to lead the board as it’s president. Some things about leadership come easy to me now. But I realize that it is because I’ve seen it modeled and I’ve incorporated lessons that I’ve learned from Robert and others. Who made you a leader?