Thank you to Valerie Frost for an excellent podcast interview with our clinic!
Programs for Creative Disruptors / Imagination Factory / Founder / Podcast Host / Invest In Parents / Keep Families Together
Why would we separate a baby from their mother at birth? Why do we believe this is in the baby’s or mother’s best interest when substances are involved in the pregnancy? Why wouldn’t we make sure the mother can access the help she needs and be able to stay together with her newborn? These are the kinds of questions that drive Adam Ballout, attorney and co-founder of the FIRST Legal Clinic. Listen and share: Tune into this week’s episode with Valerie Frost and Adam talking about the innovative legal advocacy and peer parent support that the Clinic provides to new mothers. The Clinic shows that believing in parents and investing in prevention works, with 83% of infants staying together with their mothers. What is happening in your community to ensure that families are supported at birth rather than separated? #legal #advocacy #community #insight #familywellbeing #thrivingfamilies #childwelfare