RJG, Inc.µÄ·âÃæͼƬ
RJG, Inc.

RJG, Inc.


Traverse City��MI 11,974 λ��ע��

For over 35 years RJG has been the global leader in helping injection molding companies succeed through training & tech.


Since 1985, RJG has been delivering customer success through their deep passion and knowledge of all aspects of the plastic injection molding process. This allows customers to achieve unmatched financial success through a unique combination of consulting, training, and technology. In all they do, RJG strives to empower the plastics industry to create positive change in the world.

51-200 ��
Traverse City��MI
Scientific Molding��Injection Molding Training��Cavity Pressure Technology��Process Monitoring and Control��Sensors��Process Control��Cavity Pressure Monitoring��Master Molder��Online Training��In Person Training��Injection Molding��Plastic


RJG, Inc.Ա��


