Fireside Agency

Fireside Agency


Brunswick East,Victoria 648 位关注者

Amplifying your positive impact through powerful storytelling.


Fireside is a content-led communications agency that exists to amplify positive impact through powerful storytelling. We support good organisations who want tell the story of the great things they are doing, through content that audiences want to get, and want to spend time on. It's all about helping you build your storytelling capability, from strategic advice to execution, so you can reach the right people with content that cuts through the noise. Get in touch to see what kind of a difference we can make together.

2-10 人
Brunswick East,Victoria
Storytelling、Content strategy、Content platform development、Content creation、Narrative development、Newsroom establishment、Political branding、Content skills audit、Content workshops、Skills audits和Content governance and process


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    Factory1/10-12 Moreland Road

    AU,Victoria,Brunswick East,3057


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    We loved going deep with Lucy Richards, Marike Knight and Hayley Morris to unearth the essential story of their new venture The Regenerative Leader. Check it out - they’re already doing amazing work equipping leaders with the inner tools they need to confront the many challenges the world is facing.

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    Business for good: Strategy | Mentoring | Impact projects

    This week marks a milestone I am proud of: the launch of The Regenerative Leader. With our two flagship programs beginning, we are taking 24 impact leaders on a journey of Inner Work for Outer Action. In collaboration with my co-founders Hayley Morris and Marike Knight, I am so proud of the depth and integrity that is woven into all aspects of this business – from our emergent strategy, to meditating during meetings, naming power dynamics, and making time for rest. For me, this a new (ad)venture began three years ago, when I turned down a CEO role because I didn't feel confident enough in my ability to steer away from the hustle culture and burnout traps of business as usual. Sitting in front of the Board of exhausted leaders, sleep deprived parents and multi-tasking masters – I couldn't help but feel like I was about to make a mistake by adopting this CEO life. (No doubt this is the right path for many, but I knew it didn't feel right for me.) I was seeking a way to explore and build my leadership style and skills in ways that were more feminine, regenerative, and systems-aware. I wanted to be a leader that honours complexity, plan(t)s with the long-term in mind and heart, reduces hierarchy, works with cycles and seasons, and knows when to work hard and when to rest softly. Joining visions with Marike and Hayley over the past few years has been a path for me (and us) to practice, experiment and ultimately become the leader and person that I wanted to be. My strongest, all-encompassing knowing is that regenerating the health and vitality of people and the planet is the greatest imperative of our time. The Regenerative Leader aims to contribute to this by designing new and restorative ways of leading teams and businesses. We offer leadership programs, executive coaching and regenerative business strategy for forward-thinkers, heart-led leaders and strategists who want to create healthy futures for all. And, here's our brand new website! Thanks to Benjamin Thomson for the swish visual identity, and to Ben Hart and Louise Bannister of Fireside Agency for the brand narrative that reflect our meaning and heart. We'll be sharing many stories, theories and practices on our path to regeneration, and we look forward to connecting with anyone who feels interested and aligned.

    The Regenerative Leader – Inner Work for Outer Action

    The Regenerative Leader – Inner Work for Outer Action

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    If Mum’s happy, then we’re all happy. This week we put out our latest Fireside EDM and got lots of great feedback, including this notable message in the company inbox: “Great work, Fireside. Really interesting and accessible read. Proud of you and what you’ve become. Love Ben’s Mum" Really, who needs any more validation than that? Subscribe here to see what all the fuss is about :

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    And that's a wrap. Recently Fireside said goodbye to one of our foundation clients, Nightingale Housing. We've been helping Nightingale since 2019 and feel like in many ways our journeys have been intertwined. We're immensely proud of the way we have sat with the NGH team as they navigated the challenges of growth, and helped the team develop and then build on its powerful story and mission of revolutionising the way we live together. It says a lot that decision-makers from all sides of politics have over the past few years beaten a path to Nightingale's door to see the magic for themselves. (When Jacinta Allan became Premier, a trip to Nightingale Village was one of her very first events.) We couldn't be happier to have worked with good and visionary people - most notably Nightingale's incredible CEO Dan McKenna, who has done an amazing job steering the ship through some really challenging market conditions. We leave with gratitude that we could be a small part of the Nightingale story.

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    Back in the early 2010s, if you wanted to build a following all you had to do was make good content. Alas, these days, things aren’t quite that simple: with everyone fighting for attention on increasingly crowded platforms, it’s harder than ever for purpose-led businesses, not-for-profits and other organisations to find the communities of support they need to grow. It’s a thorny problem requiring a multipronged solution. And that’s exactly what we’re offering with Stories That Stick, an exciting new workshop to help organisations build committed, loyal and engaged followings. To bring this program to life, we’re teaming up with?Isaac Peiris, one of the country’s leading audience growth experts. Isaac recently spearheaded audience growth at?The Daily Aus, boosting their newsletter subscriptions fivefold, gaining over 140k Instagram followers and doubling their TikTok audience –?all within one year. We’re combining Isaac’s skills with our storytelling nouse to create a powerful workshop that engages and retains audiences across multiple platforms. Keen to know more? Send us a message, or contact Ben Hart or Louise Bannister to start the conversation.

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    Isaac Peiris Isaac Peiris是领英影响力人物

    Founder @ | Grow your brand with content that captivates and converts

    Are you trying to build an audience with one hand tied behind your back? We’re forced to drink from a firehose of information every day. It's a crowded information economy where attention is a precious resource. And the battle for it has never been more intense - but the payoff is huge. Success means creating a loyal and valuable community of support around you - whether it’s customers, clients, funders or supporters. But in the rush to grow, most people forget an essential element of their audience growth strategy... ?? ???????????? ??????????. That’s why I’m super pumped to join forces with Fireside Agency to deliver a new workshop: ?????????????? ???????? ??????????: ?????? ???? ???????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????. Fireside is creative communications agency led by a team of award-winning journalists, editors, designers and other comms legends. For the first time, we bring the power of storytelling and audience growth together to give you the tools to build support and interest around your purpose. In this workshop we’ll guide you and your team as we: → Identify existing and new audiences. Understanding their needs, values and motivations. → Build your new (supercharged) narrative or refine your existing one. → Share the secrets to help your new narrative drive strong audience growth. → Define a growth strategy to reach your audience through the most effective channels. How to justify this workshop to yourself (or your boss): → You’ll get a super clear understanding of your target audiences and how to engage with them. → You’ll have a cracking new (or radically improved) brand story. → You’ll understand how this brand story can underpin your audience growth efforts. → You’ll get a set of practical tools and techniques to apply to your brand’s storytelling and audience growth, as soon as you walk out the door. → You’ll have a new understanding of the most effective channels to grow your audience’s numbers (and engagement). If you want to know how to supercharge your audience growth with a compelling, authentic story of impact, don't miss this one. Send me a message or click the link on my profile and fill out the form. Louise Bannister Ben Hart

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    Whether you're a corporate bigwig or a non-profit bleeding heart, a great story can supercharge your efforts to get noticed, sell an idea, get that job you’re going for or energise a team around a new project. With that in mind, we've decided to load all of our storytelling IP into a cool little volume and give it away - so anyone can benefit from the art and craft of storytelling (or at the very least hold the table’s attention at your next dinner party.) "Storycraft: The Fireside Guide to Telling Stories for Impact" is a comprehensive handbook that’s also a crash course in the power of narrative to get things done. This little book contains all our storytelling secrets, which we've successfully applied to narratives for Oxfam Australia, Nightingale Housing, Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Climateworks Centre and a host of other clients. This guide offers: - Evidence-based insights on the psychology of storytelling - Three robust frameworks for structuring impactful narratives - Practical techniques to enhance your storytelling effectiveness To get a email link to the PDF, all you have to do is sign up to our newsletter via Fill in your details in the popup box or hit the newsletter tab on the left. Let us know what you think!

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    One of the best things about running your own agency is that if you have an idea for something cool, you don’t have to wait for someone else to create it. You can roll up your sleeves and bring it into the world yourself. That’s exactly what we did when we launched The Story, a magazine about storytelling in all its forms –?the good, the bad, the ugly. It’s been two and a half years since we published our first issue, and the espresso-like buzz that comes from pressing print (or, um, hitting publish on our CMS) is as palpable today as it was then. As a bunch of former journos, we were always going to enjoy running a magazine. But the biggest thrill is working with some of our favourite writers from around the world. Take this article, written by Monocle editor Andrew Mueller. We’ve been fans of Andrew’s since his music-writing days, and we remain fans now that he’s shifted to political reporting – some of which we’ve been proud to publish at The Story. (Name another reporter who’s toured with both Radiohead and Hezbollah. We’ll wait.) His latest piece is a corker: a cultural-historical takedown of “one of the more pernicious and corrosive fallacies to have ever steered human history: the myth of the underdog”. In some ways, the myth of the underdog is a tale as old as time. But with half the world heading to the polls this year –?and with many of those elections likely to be shaped by an underdog narrative – we thought now was the perfect time to unpack its outsized impact. You can read Andrew’s piece, and sign up for The Story’s free newsletter, via the link in the comments.

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    From cold water therapy (aka swimming in Copenhagen’s version of the Yarra) and rooftop bars on industrial waste facilities to brain-stretching chats that make you reconsider the very concept of positive impact, our fearless leader Ben Hart is having a blast on the Small Giants Academy Impact Safari across Scandinavia. Can’t wait to see what the final stretch of the trip brings.

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    Amplifying positive impact through powerful storytelling.

    “The kind of change that we're looking for, should not be familiar.” The words of systems theorist, filmmaker and writer Nora Bateson are still bouncing around my head a day after she spoke to participants in the Small Giants Academy Scandinavian Impact Safari on our last day in Stockholm yesterday. Building on the work of her father, the renowned anthropologist Gregory Bateson, Nora Bateson uses art and poetry to mount a case for us to imagine positive change as part of an interconnected ecology, that moves us away from the foundational ideas and individualistic ways of being that have gotten us into this mess - the water we all unconsciously swim in. “If it's familiar, it's a perpetuation. If you're like, we're going to start this thing. And we're getting a lot of traction. And it's really moving. And people are really glomming onto it. Warning! You are in a perpetuation loop.” This is a pretty confronting idea, especially for those of us who exist in spaces that are variously about things like engagement and measuring impact. How do we know when something is working when the apprarace of it working may actually be a sign that it’s not working at all? Confused? Me too. But it’s so energising to have fundamental assumptions challenged and to be invited by someone of the callibre of Nora Bateson to reimagine the way you approach your work. Now off to Oslo for the final leg of this extraordinary trip. ****** More info on the Scandi Impact Safari here:

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    Everyone’s in a bit of a flap about AI at the moment, and for good reason: whether you see large language models like ChatGPT as the singularity incarnate or just a fancy autocomplete, there’s no denying they’re tearing through entire industries at breakneck speed. Storytellers are right in the eye of this storm, so it was an honour when our very own Ben Hart was asked by the Melbourne Press Club to host a panel on how AI is reshaping the communications profession. Chatham House Rules prohibit us from repeating who said what for you here, but there’s no law that says we can’t share some of the more practical (and head-scratching) tips and tricks we’ve gleaned about AI in our travels. Here are three of our favourites, care of Wharton School researcher Ethan Mollick: 1) AIs differ from humans in many obvious ways, but there’s one way we’re similar: bribery works on both of us. Tell ChatGPT or Claude or whichever program you use that your job depends on its answers, or promise it a big tip, and you'll see a noticeable boost in performance. Freaky, and borderline unethical! But according to actual studies, true. 2) Also like us, AIs seem to have seasonal moods. They tend to perform better in May than in December. No one knows why for sure, but the running theory is that they’ve internalised the idea of the winter break in the northern hemisphere. Need it to crank out something good at the end of the year? Try showing it a photo of a warm location (or simply mention that you’re in Australia) and tell it to get to work. 3) To get the most out of an AI, you need to trick it into ‘thinking’. Start by specifying the task you want it to achieve, then have it create a plan for accomplishing it. If the task involves text, tell it to write the first line of each paragraph before going back and fleshing out the entire piece. Finally, make it revise its own work. This step-by-step method helps the AI simulate a thought process, instead of mindlessly placing one word after another. Got a top AI tip or puzzling factoid we missed? Let us know in the comments ?

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    Two things we love: 1) The manic, sniff-inflected ramblings of Slovenian philosopher Slavoj ?i?ek 2) Practical tips on turning complex ideas into simple writing. This might explain why we often revisit this video, in which the prolific writer and thinker details his writing process. His secret? Fooling himself into doing it. “It's psychologically impossible for me to sit down [and just write],” ?i?ek says, reflecting the struggle of tortured writers everywhere. “So I have to trick myself.” “I put down ideas… A line of thought and then in full sentences and so on.” “So up to a certain point, I am telling myself: ‘No, I'm not yet writing. I'm just putting down ideas.’” “Then at a certain point I tell myself: ‘Everything is already there, now I just have to edit.’” Those of us who’ve struggled through one of ?i?ek’s books might have some questions about his editing process. But if getting started is the problem, a little self-deception can go a long way.

    Slavoj ?i?ek single-finger typing

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    Amplifying positive impact through powerful storytelling.

    Yes, it's a digital world. But we really, really love to make tangible, IRL things at Fireside Agency. Thanks to some amazing work by our world-class wordsmith Chris Harrigan and without a doubt one of the best designers in the country Lara Burke, this one has come up a treat. Can't wait to start getting it into peoples' actual IRL hands.

    Cooking up a little side project at Fireside Agency. Because apparently we can't go six months without giving the world more papercuts. Watch this space!

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