FEDeRATED Masterplan Unveiled—Pioneering Logistics Transformation
After 5 years of collaboration, the EU-funded FEDeRATED project – a EU Member State driven initiative to contribute to the establishment of a federated network of platforms for data sharing in the freight transport and #logistics, has finally come to a key step: the release of the final project Masterplan. This official document defines the essential elements for digitalising the logistics segment and define a roadmap for next years.
The project has been conceived in 2019 by IATA and 15 leading freight and logistics operators across six EU Member States within the context of the EU Connecting Europe Facility. Its Vision lies on an infrastructure provision containing a set of agreements and technical applications to enable data in existing IT systems (platforms) of companies and public administrations to become available to authorized users through a publish and subscribe approach.
First principle is the introduction of Digital Twins, explained as virtual simulation models mirroring real-world logistics components, so that organizations can monitor, optimize, and do scenario testing, fostering efficiency and informed decision-making.
The soul of this machine lies in the Semantic model and the creation of a Reference model facilitating a holistic understanding among stakeholders. Semantic model translates the reference model, which is abstract, into data with logical dimensions. Reference model provides an overview of the interconnected elements within the logistics ecosystem. They both bridge the gap between physical logistics and digital insights, enabling smarter resource allocation and interoperability.
Based on these three main concepts, the FEDeRATED Masterplan outlines actionable steps to establish an open and secure data-sharing logistics grid, mitigating duplication of information and privacy concerns. Leveraging existing IT systems through a publish-and-subscribe approach, the project enables seamless access to real-time transport and cargo data for authorized users.
"By providing easy and secure access of real time transport and cargo data and predictive AI, we can help support supply chain operators and law enforcement agencies, measure the extent of climate change, enhance the effectiveness of their operations and accelerate the economic development of the EU", says FEDeRATED.
By bridging the data gap in the traditional EU freight transport market, the FEDeRATED Masterplan marks a significant milestone in the journey towards a digitally enabled, interconnected logistics ecosystem within the EU.
Next steps of the FEDeRATED project will be the application of the results coming from the Masterplan on a larger base and the adoption by the DTLF of the FEDeRATED assumptions into the legislative framework.
#dataspace #federatedplatforms #TransportInnovation #LogisticsExcellence