Every day in Greenville County more than 40,000 people wake up to face another day that is controlled by their drinking or drug use. They or their families ask: “Where do I turn for help? How do I take the first step? What is the solution?”
FAVOR Greenville Center is our community’s “Welcome Center to Recovery.” A recovery-oriented sanctuary anchored in the heart of the community, the Center exists to put a face on recovery, to build recovery capital and to serve as a physical location where FAVOR can organize the local recovery community's ability to care.
The community embraces and celebrates recovery from substance use disorders as a positive, healing force.
FAVOR Greenville promotes long-term recovery from substance use disorders through education, advocacy and recovery support services, resulting in healthier individuals, families, and communities.
Core Beliefs
? Recovery from addiction is a reality in the lives of millions.
? Recovery is a right for everyone.
? Recovery can be achieved through many pathways.
? Recovery flourishes in supportive communities.
? Recovery is a voluntary process.
? Recovering people are part of the solution.
? Recovery gives back what addiction has taken away.
? Recovery benefits everyone.
Recovery from substance use disorders is a powerful force, but is largely unknown outside the recovery community. FAVOR Greenville Center is staffed by volunteers in long-term recovery who want to give back and use FAVOR Greenville Center as their platform for service work.
Open Monday through Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm, and Saturday 11am - 2pm, the Center offers the following programs and services that connect individuals and families to recovery from addiction in a variety of ways.
51-200 人
Addiction Recovery Support、Substance Use Disorder Support、Referral to Treatment Facilities、Family Recovery Support、Recovery Community Outreach、Youth and Young Adult Recovery Support和Advocacy and Education