Attention Fauquier County Businesses and Property owners! The deadline for the Facade Improvement grant is fast approaching. Applications are due COB on Friday, April 4. Contact [email protected] for application or to answer any questions.
Attention Fauquier County Property Owners! The Fauquier County Department of Economic Development is now accepting applications for Fa?ade Improvement Grants! This program, funded by the Economic Development Authority, provides matching grants of up to $15,000 to help enhance the appearance of commercial, industrial, and office mixed-use properties in the County. Who Can Apply? Properties located in Fauquier County Zoned for commercial, industrial, or office mixed-use Structures must be taxable and at least 15 years old Don’t miss this opportunity to restore, sustain, and improve your commercial property! Apply now and help make a lasting impact on Fauquier County’s business landscape. Learn more and apply by contacting Lauren Perez at [email protected] or 540-422-8270 #FauquierCounty #BusinessDevelopment #Fa?adeImprovement #RevitalizeFauquier