【獲獎分享】成功入選標普全球《????????永續年鑑》 遠東新首度入選標普全球(S&P Global)《2025永續年鑑》,並榮獲產業綜合企業中的「最佳進步獎」,這項殊榮代表遠東新在所屬產業中表現突出,並展現了持續推動ESG發展的堅定承諾。我們將持續秉持賦能未來、永續共榮的核心理念,透過創新與合作深化永續發展,攜手全球夥伴共創更美好的未來。?? ? 查看更多並了解標普全球永續年鑑??https://lnkd.in/gUECyArq 【???????? ??????????????】??&?? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? FENC has been recognized for the first time in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2025, a prestigious global sustainability assessment. This milestone not only underscores FENC’s commitment to sustainable development but also highlights our remarkable progress, earning us the Industry Mover Award in the Industrial Conglomerate industry. This recognition reflects FENC’s outstanding performance and reaffirms our dedication to advancing ESG initiatives.?? Read more??https://lnkd.in/gchiaDvS
With innovative thinking, superior technology, and management's commitment to excellence, FENC aims to continue its leadership in the polyester and textile industry, maximize the value of its property and equity holdings, and bring happiness and prosperity to our global community.
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Far Eastern New Century 遠東新世紀的外部链接
- 所属行业
- 制造业
- 规模
- 超过 10,001 人
- 总部
- 台北市
- 类型
- 上市公司
- 创立
- 1949
- 领域
- Manufacturing Industry、Petrochemical、Polyester、Textile、Resources Development和Investment Activities
Far Eastern New Century 遠東新世紀员工
【新年快樂】 ??令人期待的春節假期即將到來,遠東新世紀衷心感謝過去一年所有支持與信任我們的夥伴。祝福大家新的一年如蛇般靈活智慧、充滿無限可能,並期待未來能共同攜手迎接更多美好時刻!?? ? 【?????????? ?????????? ?????? ????????】 ??As Lunar New Year approaches, Far Eastern New Century would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported us over the past year. May this year bring you agility and wisdom, like the snake, with endless opportunities. Looking forward to collaborating and creating more successful moments together in the year ahead!?? #新年快樂 #蛇年吉祥 #HappyLunarNewYear
【最新消息】??????????????、??????????????、遠東新世紀攜手推動鞋業永續發展 遠東新世紀致力於再生PET/聚酯的機械、物理與化學回收技術,此次與專注PET生物回收的生技公司 CARBIOS 合作,結合研發與生產實力,探索PET回收的各種可能性,創造高純度的再生原料並轉化成與原生聚酯性質相當的優質產品,供應給包括 Salomon 在內的知名品牌。 閱讀全文??https://lnkd.in/gRk3PbGP 【???????? ????????】??????????????, ?????????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????????????? ?????? ?? ?????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????????????? ???????????????? FENC has committed to sustainability for over 36 years with mechanical, physical and chemical recycling of PET/polyester. Through working with CARBIOS who is dedicated to biorecycling of PET/polyester, FENC explores all the possibilities of PET/polyester recycling with fully integrated R&D and production capabilities, creates high-purity recycled feedstock and manufactures virgin-like high-quality polyester products for name brand customers such as Salomon. Read more??https://lnkd.in/gg7XUHcC
【???????????? ????????】以科技驅動傳產 穩健的數位轉型旅程 – 智能資訊部 ?????????????? 智能資訊部是遠東新世紀數位轉型的大腦,主導或參與公司海內外各工廠的數位專案,部門現有的同仁中有多達8位都是先後畢業於元智大學工業工程與管理學系的學長姐,這次的FENCer Talk很榮幸邀請到服務於智能資訊部的元智學長Victor來跟我們分享… 1?? 個人及部門工作簡介 2?? 加入公司的考量因素 3?? 負責的重大專案內容 4?? 數位轉型代表的意義 【???????????? ????????】?? ???????????? ?????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?????????????? ???? ?????????????????????? ???????????????????? – ???????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????? As the driving force behind FENC’s digital transformation, the Intelligence Information Department leads and collaborates on digital projects across our global operations. Impressively, the team includes 8 alumni from Yuan Ze University’s Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. In this episode of FENCer Talk, we’re thrilled to have Victor, one of the alumni of Yuan Ze University, share his insights about FENC. #FENCerTalk #智能資訊部 #數位轉型 #IntelligenceInformationDepartment #DigitalTransformation
【???????????? ????????】從文獻到產線 運用化學專業實踐永續理念 – 研究發展中心????????-???????? 遠東企業研究發展中心是我們最重要的的研發單位,致力於開發以聚酯為基礎的合成原料,並優化 PET、rPET 在各種產品中的應用,目前研究發展中心大約有150位同仁,並且以化工/化學背景的研發人員為主,其中有70%以上具有碩士以上學位,截至目前在世界各國獲得的核准專利已經超過900個!這次的FENCer Talk很開心邀請到研究員Chun-Kai來跟我們分享… ? 1?? 個人以及組別工作簡介 2?? 加入遠東新世紀的考量 3?? 研究員的日常工作項目 4?? 在研發中心的心得感想 5?? 覺得該加入我們的原因 ? 目前我們有多個組別都在招募研究員,相關背景的人才們成為遠東人趁現在??https://lnkd.in/g-STtzmK 【???????????? ????????】???????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????????? ???? ?????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? – ????????-?????? ???????? ??&?? ???????????? ?? At our R&D Center, our team of over 150 experts is pioneering advancements in polyester-based materials, focusing on expanding the applications of PET and rPET across a range of products. More than 70% of our researchers hold master's or Ph.D. degrees in chemistry or chemical engineering, and we’re proud to have over 900 patents approved worldwide. In this episode of FENCer Talk, we’re thrilled to welcome Chun-Kai from the R&D Center to share his insights and career development journey. ? #FENCerTalk ?#研究發展中心?#研究員 #Researcher
【獲獎分享】????????幸福企業票選 金獎?? ? 由1111人力銀行(1111 Job Bank)主辦的「2024幸福企業票選」頒獎典禮於本週一(11/11)舉行,遠東新世紀今年在超過3,700家廠商中成功脫穎而出,再度獲得金獎肯定,這已經是我們連續第五年在幸福企業票選中獲得殊榮,非常感謝1111人力銀行每年對遠東新世紀的認可! ? Hosted by 1111 Job Bank, the "2024 Great Place to Work Awards" ceremony took place this Monday (11/11), and we stood out among over 3,700 companies to receive the Gold Award once again. This marks our fifth consecutive year being honored in this award. We deeply appreciate 1111 Job Bank's continued recognition of FENC as a leading workplace! #幸福企業票選 #金獎
#TITAS臺北紡織展 10月15日至17日於臺北南港展覽館盛大登場,遠東新世紀今年的展場設計以2024巴黎奧運為靈感,展出由「最綠材料」打造的多項國際賽事環保球衣,以及榮獲德國iF設計雙獎的布料,並攜手知名運動品牌推出兩件創新成衣商品,成為全場最大焦點。 The Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show(TITAS) was held from October 15th to 17th at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. FENC's exhibition venue design this year is inspired by the 2024 Paris Olympics, showcasing multiple international sports events used jerseys made from the "greenest materials", as well as fabrics that have won the German iF Design Award. We also collaborated with well-known sports brands to launch two innovative products, becoming the biggest focus of the event.
【活動回顧】????????遠東新世紀經典馬拉松??♂?????♂?????♂??? 2024「遠東集團聯誼會暨遠東新世紀經典馬拉松活動」10月19日於遠東新世紀新埔化纖廠登場,遠東新世紀、遠傳電信、遠東巨城購物中心、遠東先進纖維等企業分別組隊,投入趣味遊戲、籃球、桌球及拔河等競賽,透過活動交流情誼,凝聚向心力。 ? 大會同時邀請來自各地的跑友們,以「跑向未來的遠東新世紀」為題,參與第15屆遠東新世紀經典馬拉松,一起為公益而跑,展現企業推動永續發展的決心。跑衣設計上亦呼應「永續環保」的主軸,使用化學回收技術,將回收織物重製成織物回收再生纖維,並結合TopCool Petal花瓣紗紡絲技術,不僅面料輕薄舒適、觸感良好,且具備吸濕快乾、紫外線防護等功能,在豔陽下提供跑者絕佳的穿著體驗。 ? 除了倡議健康生活,遠東新世紀也致力推廣公益,今年再度攜手當地愛心團體「新埔華山基金會」發動公益募捐,支持弱勢長者;同時籌辦園遊會,邀請社區及店家設攤販賣在地農特產、客家美食,提供跑者多元選擇,也為地方產業注入活水。 ? On October 19th, 2024, the Far Eastern Group networking event and FENC Marathon Event was held at FENC Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant, FENC, FET, Big City and other affiliated companies formed teams to participate in fun games, basketball, table tennis, tug of war and other competitions. We successfully fostered friendships and strengthened unity through these activities. ? #經典馬拉松
【???????????? ????????】兼顧工作生活平衡與個人發展的職務設計 - 織染業務部?????????? ? 業務助理是很多年輕人才進入紡織成衣業的起點,對於兩年前剛取得義大利時尚品牌管理碩士學位,現在服務於織染業務部的Jana來說也不例外,這次的FENCer Talk很開心邀請Jana來跟我們分享… ? 1?? 個人簡介以及工作內容 2?? 加入遠東新世紀的考量 3?? 豐富而精采的業助生涯 4?? 對公司訓練體系的想法 5?? 覺得該選擇我們的原因 ? 目前我們剛好有業務助理的職缺,成為遠東人就趁現在??https://lnkd.in/gMxixGCe 【???????????? ????????】?????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????-???????? ?????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????? – ???????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ?? ? For many young professionals, the role of a Sales Assistant is often the gateway into the textile and apparel industry, and Jana is no exception. After earning her master's degree in Fashion Brand Management from Italy two years ago, she joined our Fabric Division. We're excited to have Jana as our guest for this episode of FENCer Talk, where she’ll share her dynamic career development at FENC. #FENCerTalk #業務助理 #SalesAssistant
【???????????? ????????】站在巨人的肩膀上推動永續工程 – 董事長辦公室 ???????????????? 你是否好奇遠東新世紀和其他公司的不同之處,或是在我們的核心幕僚單位工作會是怎麼樣體驗呢?很榮幸這次邀請到服務於董事長辦公室的Phoenix跟我們分享她為何在4年前選擇加入遠東新,以及這段期間內Phoenix的職涯發展歷程與感受! ? 一起來了解Phoenix….. 1?? 個人簡介以及工作內容 2?? 加入遠東新世紀的考量 3?? 印象最深刻的工作成就 4?? 眼中公司的優勢或特色 5?? 認為誰會適合加入我們 ? 除了負責ESG業務之外,董事長辦公室也扮演遠東集團各關係企業間的橋樑,推行集團內各項專案或規劃重要的集團活動,目前我們正在招募一位經營分析管理師,有興趣的朋友歡迎進入下方104連結查看完整職缺資訊??https://lnkd.in/gMqMhbJM 【???????????? ????????】?????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????????? – ?????????????? ???????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????? Have you ever wondered what sets FENC apart from other companies, or what it’s like to work in our core executive office? We're excited to have Phoenix, who works in the Corporate Staff Office, share her experience. Learn why she chose to join us four years ago and how her career has evolved since then!