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“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.” - Aristotle Now's the time to book a meeting ((with yours truly)) to learn more about our trial and litigation services/ natiors, which are available nationwide. As an on-site director, I specialize in relationship building and streamlining vendor accounts, so your firm's trial team (staff) can focus on the matter at hand... the client and or case. With over 22 years of experience in sales and law, I possess a deep understanding of how to establish reliable partnerships with trustworthy and sustainable vendors. This ensures that your team can perform at its best and achieve success in their work. Projects I oversee include, but are not limited to: ?? Depositions, ?? Hearings, ?? Trials, ?? Large Lunch/Dinner, ?? Meetings, ?? Conventions, ?? Conferences, and ?? CLE Classes. So, what are the moving parts PLAINTIFFS' GAMBIT can manage for you? ?? Warroom Set-Up/ Break-Down, ?? Securing & Manage Vendor Contracts, ?? Expense Reporting/Tracking, ?? Shuttle Services, ?? Expert Scheduling, ?? Commercial Rentals, Travel (Commercial & Private), ?? Laundry Service, ?? Meals (Lifestyle/Diet Friendly), and ?? Lodging (Hotel Blocks). ~~~~~~ Trusted Vendors ?? We take pride in using reliable and insured vendors. Some of our top tier trial vendors include: ?? ACCOUNTING: DJ Ferguson, MBA, MSHSA, Sigma Accounting & Consulting ?? SETTLEMENT PLANNING: Cindy Miklos & Brian Adair, AFG Settlement Planning ?? COURT IT(HOT SEAT): Brian Marbut, CourtCom ?? COURT REPORTING: Rebecca Schaumloffel and Alyssa Schaumloffel, Evolution Reporting ?? TRAVEL AGENT: Ryan Spear, Spear Travel Group ?? PRIVATE CAR SERVICES: Charan Singh, Famous Drive ?? PRIVATE AIR CHARTER: Teodor Parolo Tasevski, Onyx Air ?? RECORD RETRIEVAL: Donna Carotenuto, Magna Legal Services ?? COMMERCIAL PRINTERS: Bob Rivas, AQUIPT, a Meriplex Company ?? PROCESS SERVER: Patrick Yoder, Lone Star Attorney Service ?? COMMERCIAL PRINTING: Michael Larson, ProLegal ?? FORMER EMPLOYEE SEARCHES: Mike Seely, Spear Investigations LLC ?? LEADERSHIP/BUSINESS COACH: Trevor M., RMF COACHING ?? PRIVATE WEALTH/SETTLEMENT ADMINISTRATION: Ximena Brito & Ben Hunter, Pinnacle Financial Partners ?? COMMERCIAL LOAN BROKER: Michael Campbell, National Financing Solutions ?? COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: East Hill Photo ~~~~~~ Let’s Connect ???????????????????? ?? Check us out at plaintiffsgambit.com. ?? Want to know more? Message us today! #logistics #litigation #travel #litigationsupport #nationwide #carservice #luxury #vendorrelations #trialattorneys #trialsupport #vendormanagement #trialattorney #triallawyers #logisticssolutions #logisticsmanagement