We combine the best of skill development, ideation and qualitative inquiry to harness the engine of your people’s unmined brilliance. We create collaborative learning environments that uncover unexplored aspects of their experience and perspective - the keys to shifting the business.
Whether you’re rebuilding after a breakdown or simply trying to get ahead of massive change, we’ll meet you where you are. We can apply our programs and our process at the moments you need to strengthen connection, collaboration and understanding between leaders and employees.
Lookingglass Lab
At the heart of our process is an experiential 2-day session that uncovers shared truths by working with the people at the frontlines of your business. Our process brings together elements of consumer research, innovative learning techniques and fast ideation. We help you create the shortest path to the biggest impact on your employee experience and your culture. You tell us where you want to build skills and connection between your strategy and your people. Start with any of our ten Performance Zones, or we’ll create a session based on your Strategy, Values, Ways of Working or other critical priorities.
Skill Building
Our training programs target areas of communication and collaboration that make your employees more adaptive. The interactive, experiential format means that our team can capture the insights and ideas that bubble up while your team explores and learns. Our learning programs are a two-way process that includes as much listening as instruction: Every session includes an assessment of the group's needs and a recap of themes and gaps that emerged through the learning conversation.
About Fairplay:
We are consultants, creatives, learning designers, entertainers and insight junkies who have been crafting employee experiences for decades. We are obsessed with uncovering human truths and creating programs that shift behavior and close gaps between strategy and skills.
2-10 人
Leadership Development、Sales Training、Storytelling、Presentation Skills、Growth Mindset、Psychological Safety、Enterprise Mindset、Onboarding、High Potential Programs和New Manager Training