[??????????!] Mini-Invisible One - ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? AUTOBOTx ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? STEAM ????????????????????????????? ????????? ????????? - ??????????????: ? ?????????????? APP???????? ??? ???????????? ? ?????????????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????? ?????? ?????? Micro-controller ??????????????????????????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ?????????????! ??????????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? [New product!] Mini-Invisible One – 3 DOF arm robot first generation, a new achievement produced and researched by AUTOBOTx, has been packaged. The best choice for STEAM education as well as learning more about robotic arms. The robot - has functions such as: ? Can be controlled via mobile APP and programming ? Can move forward, backward, left, right, drawing, pick and place objects from one place to another place easily ? On the robot there is a place to connect an additional Micro-controller to be able to program ? Light and strong Order now! to get special price and new experience with our first generation mini-robotic arm. #aifarm #autobotx #factoryai