When sexist toxicity tries to tear you down, remember who you are, what you stand for, and where you (and they) came from. ????
Making Allyship Happen - Gender Equity - Keynote Speaker - UN Women Changemaker - Kavli Fellow - The Black Autistic Guy
The world has been built by men For men In my work, I often hear this And there is no doubt at the male normative centricity of design, innovation, and the history surrounding the source of change and evolution. Still to this day in the workplace, men are more likely to have innovation and efficiency as their side of desk, while women are more likely to have people areas such as engagement, wellbeing and inclusion. And as for receiving deserved credit, we know there is a gap there too. When a man says what you said 15 minutes ago and suddenly people listen and validate it, the gap feels all too real. Many innovations were a collective effort. But when credit is given, history can literally feel like “his story”. Given its Women’s History Month, it’s time to reflect. Often, being the default is something you don’t notice. It’s takes intention to notice the things that fit and are comfortable. I can certainly say I spent years unaware of many of the things I challenge today. I could share a lot more thoughts on this. But I’ll leave you with two considerations We shouldn’t forget all the things that were created by women. This list isn’t extensive and there will no doubt be women never credited with what they created or invented. And secondly, we as men should be active in considering this, and ensure credit is given equitably. And where women aren’t considered, we should partner with them to quite literally “design her in”. Systems. Processes. Products. Spaces. Allyship is intention, inclusive action. That requires picking up the tools and to change the structures, bit by bit, day in, day out. Because if men built it We can be a part of fixing it It’s why Male Allies UK exists (we will be naming these women in our next post) Creating a better, healthier world for everyone And who wouldn’t want that?