American Made! #americanmadeforever #madeinamerica #americanmade #gretchenphilyaw #manufacturing #technology #automation
Believer in the American Dream | Advocate for USA Manufacturing, Technology, Small Business & Skilled Trades | Supporter of American Made |
Had a fantastic time recently touring the Shuffled Ink headquarters in Winter Garden, FL Gretchen Philyaw Fabric of America with Gretchen Philyaw Shuffled Ink is one of the leading manufacturers of CUSTOM PLAYING CARDS, TAROT & FLASH CARDS & CUSTOM CARD GAMES! Manufactured in the USA, #FamilyOwned & Operated Since 1999! Shuffled Ink has produced millions of decks of custom playing cards, custom card games and custom tarot & flash cards for individuals and companies around the world for almost 25 Years! I am very excited to be designing my own “Fabric of America” set of cards and I encourage you to take a look at everything this #madeintheusa manufacturer has to offer! Huge Thank You Shuffled Ink for your Amazing hospitality and for showing me exceptional #manufacturing at work for America!! #believeintheusa #fabricofamerica #madeinamerica #shuffledink #gretchenphilyaw Gretchen Philyaw Fabric of America with Gretchen Philyaw Shuffled Ink