and don't forget SKOL !!
Get ready to "fish" for some payment wisdom and indulge in the local delicacy, LUTEFISK, with ezPay365 and Ron Bonavita at the GLCCA conference in Bloomington-Minneapolis! We're reeling in the fun in less than a week!
ezPay365 is a payment processing solutions provider for companies within the ARM/Collection, Healthcare and Legal markets. With 25 years ARM industry experience, ezPay365 specializes in the processing of credit card, debit, HSA/FSA and ACH payments. Our payment channel options consist of collector/agent based, online payment portal, IVR, Mobile Pay and TextPay. ezPay365 has multiple banking & payment gateway options that are PCI DSS certified, providing consistent funding and integrations with collection/CRM software systems. Reporting portal allows for customized reports, graphical trends and online chargeback dispute module.
and don't forget SKOL !!
Get ready to "fish" for some payment wisdom and indulge in the local delicacy, LUTEFISK, with ezPay365 and Ron Bonavita at the GLCCA conference in Bloomington-Minneapolis! We're reeling in the fun in less than a week!
Steward Health files for Bankruptcy and struggling with cash flow, a few interesting points. Hospitals are a business and they need cash flow like patients need blood. Facility leases are one issue, but cash hides a multitude of sins. 1. Steward Health- issues with their REIT Medical Properties Trust 2. Steward shuts down several Texas locations impacting San Antonio patients 3. Steward struggling financially and can't pay hospital in Florida was infested with bats 4.Steward leases are a problem, but unpaid patients bills don't help 5.Steward $800 million in losses from 2017 to 2020, pandemic proliferated the issues 6.The patient problem, 2.2 million patients care is now threatened 7.Elizabeth Warren says the issue are the leases...I say try unpaid bill Mrs. Warren, Medical Properties helped LA Cali based Prospect Medical helped them financially. Patients in San Antonio and Massachusetts are seeing the issues first hand. 8.Today it's Steward, tomorrow it could be a Hospital or Physicians Group in <fill in the blank> 9.Maybe the CFPB can help Steward with a lifeline with an interest free loan 10. KG Sarcasm: Not sure Bidenomics can help. Sorry, it must have been POTUS 45 DT issue. Hope Steward can turn the tide and work this out.
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