How to Activate Your Workspace to make it a place where people want to be (voluntarily)?
RTO mandates don't work, they undercut human agency. Fixed hybrid schedules aren't much better.
Yet many leaders would like to see their offices become lively, desirable places to be. What to do?
Activate Your Workspace
Activate Your Workspace is a new, coworking-inspired program for transitioning (and shrinking) corporate offices from OTT amenity-rich, museum like spaces into less formal, employee-shaped, more natural places built around:
*Coffee shops (with music and food and the rest of the natural sounds of a local coffee shop)
*Voluntary attendance
*The inclusion of outsiders to cowork with (clients, vendors, partners)
*Events and programming
*Manager retraining (i.e. empowering more self-management)
*Activity-based working variety
*Organic mentoring and learning
*Digital-first mindset
*Community management
*Cultural revitalization
This is not a luddite call for RTO, it is the opposite. It is the recognition that humans are a social species, and that there ARE things that organizations can do to make workplaces desirable. More voluntarism. More employee-driven commmunity. More earthy. Less management.
Office footprints will likely shrink massively over the coming decade, reflecting the fact that on any given day many folks will be working outside of the office, but offices (design, scale, experience, management) will become more, not less, important.
It's not rocket science. It's human science.
#workplacestrategy #employeeexperience #employeeengagement #activtybasedworking #community #communityengagement