CSW69 – A first week full of exchanges and engagements! This first week of the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) in New York was marked by inspiring meetings and high-level discussions on gender equality and the fight against violence against women and girls. Every Woman Treaty had the honor of attending strategic sessions and speaking with African First Ladies, Ministers in charge of gender and women's rights, as well as many actors committed to advancing women's rights internationally. These exchanges strengthen our resolve to advocate for stronger legal mechanisms, including through a new Optional Protocol to CEDAW to end violence against women and girls. This week looks just as promising, with highlights to come. Let's stay mobilized to advance women's rights and strengthen international protection against gender-based violence! Let's continue the dialogue and the action! #CSW69 #CEDAW #EndVAWG #humanrights #everywomantreaty #womenrights #EndVAWG