


Patient Lifestyle and Disease Data Interactium (PaLaDIn)


The Patient Lifestyle and Disease Data Interactium (PaLaDIn), is an ambitious Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) funded initiative (with contribution from The FSHD Society, TREAT-NMD and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The project will drive innovative real world data collection from patients with rare neuromuscular diseases (NMDs).

11-50 人
Data、Neuromuscular Disease、Rare Disease、PROMs、Digital Outcome Measures和Clinical Trials


  • PaLaDIn转发了

    查看Parent Project aps的组织主页

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    (English below) A fianco della recente 22ma Conferenza Internazionale sulla distrofia muscolare di Duchenne e Becker, Parent Project ha programmato anche?un workshop dedicato al tema della #patientadvocacy?rivolto ad organizzazioni di pazienti internazionali. ?? L’evento ha visto la partecipazione di 27 persone in rappresentanza di associazioni di pazienti provenienti da 12 nazioni e si è focalizzato sul contributo dei pazienti nello?sviluppo dei farmaci?e nei?processi di Health Technology Assessment?(HTA). Tra i relatori: Ramona Belfiore-Oshan del Critical Path Institute (C-Path), Andrea Marcellusi dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, Fleur Chandler per Duchenne UK, Pat Furlong di Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, Rebecca Leary e Joanne Lee della Newcastle University per il progetto PaLaDIn. ?? Il dibattito tra le varie associazioni ha evidenziato l’interesse condiviso per le tematiche trattate e l’importanza di un confronto tra realtà diverse. Si tratta di un primo importante passo, rispetto ai molteplici altri aspetti che sarà necessario affrontare in futuro. Il workshop è stato realizzato anche grazie al contributo non condizionato di?Roche, Edgewise Therapeutics, Sarepta Therapeutics e ITALFARMACO S.P.A.. Leggi la notizia qui ?? ------------ Alongside the recent 22nd International Conference on Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy, Parent Project also scheduled a workshop dedicated to the theme of #patientadvocacy aimed at international patient organizations. ?? The event was attended by 27 people representing patient organizations from 12 countries and focused on patient input in drug development and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes. Speakers included Ramona Belfiore-Oshan from the Critical Path Institute (C-Path), Andrea Marcellusi from the University of Milan, Fleur Chandler for Duchenne UK, Pat Furlong from Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, and Rebecca Leary and Joanne Lee from Newcastle University for the PaLaDIn project. ?? The discussion among the various associations highlighted the shared interest in the issues addressed and the importance of a comparison between different realities. This is an important first step, compared to the many other issues that will need to be addressed in the future. The workshop was also made possible thanks to the unconditional contribution of Roche, Edgewise Therapeutics, Sarepta Therapeutics, and Italfarmaco. Read the news here ??

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  • PaLaDIn转发了

    查看Tracey Wallis Million的档案

    Head of Operations at TREAT-NMD

    TREAT-NMD held a couple of well attended and received sessions at the Muscular Dystrophy Association Conference on innovative global development within NMD. Brilliant insight into the European project, PaLaDIn by David Allison and then a fantastic overview of TACT (TREAT-NMD Advisory Committee for Therapeutics) by Lindsay Alfano. Please get in touch for more information. #mda2025 #nmd #treatnmd

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  • 查看PaLaDIn的组织主页

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    David Allison of PaLaDIn scientific coordinator TREAT-NMD presented PaLaDIn at the Muscular Dystrophy Association conference in Dallas yesterday. David provided an introduction to the Interactium data platform, which will bring together different sources of data including clinical data from patient registries and data collected directly from patients. Linking together these different types of data will provide a more comprehensive view and natural history of neuromuscular diseases and could be used to support health care decision making. To hear more about the Interactium, click here:

  • 查看PaLaDIn的组织主页

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    The first PaLaDIn General Assembly has now concluded! We would like to thank all beneficiaries for their very active participation over the past two days. This has been a fantastic opportunity to meet and discuss our next steps. We would like to say a special thank you to our External Advisory Board and Ethics Board respectively for their participation and feedback. We now look forward to continuing our collaboration with all beneficiaries to meet our vision of developing and implementing an innovative data collection platform to accelerate the development of effective treatments and patient care, enhance healthcare decision-making and improve patient outcomes. Keep up to date with our progress by subscribing to our newsletter here:

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  • 查看PaLaDIn的组织主页

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    The PaLaDIn General Assembly is taking place in Rome today and tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for all PaLaDIn beneficiaries to meet, discuss our progress and plan the next steps of the project. We are looking forward to some great discussions!

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  • 查看PaLaDIn的组织主页

    492 位关注者

    This weekend PaLaDIn scientific coordinator Parent Project aps held their annual International Conference for the Duchenne and Becker community. We were extremely grateful for the opportunity to join a workshop today on the importance of patient advocacy contribution in drug development and HTA and talk about how PaLaDIn plans to support patient centered decision making, through the development of PaLaDIn Interactium data platform.?

    查看Parent Project aps的组织主页

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    Sta per concludersi una grande giornata di incontri ed attività per la comunità #Duchenne e #Becker all'Hotel Ergife. Il fitto programma di questo pomeriggio ha compreso ?due sessioni scientifiche, una dedicata alle strategie terapeutiche basate sull'exon skipping e una sui trial di terapia genica ?un momento dedicato alla Giornata delle Malattie Rare con UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare e Associazione Altrodomani ?una tavola rotonda sui #sibling nella quale si sono integrate le voci degli esperti e della comunità ?la presentazione del progetto europeo PaLaDIn ?una panoramica sul nuovissimo sito di Parent Project. Ma non solo: in parallelo, chi lo desiderava ha potuto unirsi ai gruppi di confronto su affettività e sessualità e per i sibling, e a due laboratori molto partecipati, uno di taglio cinematografico e uno in compagnia di nuovi amici a quattro zampe. Perché la Conferenza è così: un grande spazio e un tempo per incontrarsi, confrontarsi, aggiornarsi, ma anche per stare insieme e condividere esperienze!

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  • PaLaDIn转发了

    查看David Allison的档案

    Chief Executive, Non-Executive Director, Chairman

    A wonderful Annual Curators meeting of the TREAT-NMD Global Registry Network in Milan with over 70 global attendees. Great discussions on impact, data quality, synthetic data use and PaLaDIn.

    查看Helen Walker的档案

    UK FSHD & Myotonic Dystrophy Patient Registries Manager at John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre, Newcastle University

    The JWMDRC Patient Registries team have been participating in the TREAT-NMD Annual curators meeting in Milan this week. Our team were involved throughout, leading disease subgroup discussions, presenting our national and international neuromuscular registries and making new connections with registries from around the world. This meeting is always a fantastic opportunity to network with our global registry network colleagues old and new, and this year we were joined by our newest team members, Data Coordinators Lucy Hickson and Aleksander Carver. They represented our team brilliantly, learned more about the global registries network and met the rest of the TGDOC family. A successful and productive trip all round! Sam McDonald, Julie Bohill, John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre @ Newcastle University

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  • 查看PaLaDIn的组织主页

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    Marco Roos from PaLaDIn beneficiary Leiden University Medical Center will be presenting today at a Dutch National event for Rare Disease day, to an audience of patient representatives, care providers and researchers. Marco will be presenting about care pathways and patient journeys. Marco's presentation will focus on the importance of combining both the patient and data perspective and will highlight how we will adopt this approach in PaLaDIn. Find out more about the event here:

  • PaLaDIn转发了

    查看FSHD Society的组织主页

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    Today is Rare Disease Day! We hope you are inspired to share your story along with the FSHD Community and those with rare diseases all around the world. ? Head to the link in our bio to visit our Rare Disease Day page. Download the images to share on your social media. ? Use the hashtags #RareDiseaseDay #FSHD and #CureFSHD in your stories and posts, and don't forget to tag us! ? Take this opportunity to share your FSHD experience with the world ?? #RareDiseaseDay2025 #CureFSHD #FacesOfFSHD #FSHD #RareDiseaseDay #RareWarrior #MuscularDystrophy #DisabilityAwareness #RareDisease

