We consider friendship as one of the most important conditions for sustainability. It fosters commitment, care, and the openness to discuss what goes wrong, while also building the trust needed to explore new ideas, take risks, and collaborate beyond short-term interests. Last week was a celebration of these values. We were very lucky hosting an amazing group of partners and friends during our Spirit of Coffee Safari in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. Being in the field together—meeting incredible cooperatives and reflecting on our role in the sector—inspired us to think about a new narrative for coffee sustainability. A narrative that moves away from linear, transactional supply chains and instead recognizes the complex system we are part of. To truly leverage this system, we need to recognize it first, and then break down the silos we operate in. We carried this spirit and ambition into the AFCA Farmer Day, which we facilitated on the first day of the conference. Hosting 100 participants—from producers and exporters to roasters, researchers, NGOs, and other partners—was an incredible celebration of the potential of the coffee sector and community. Through conversations, exposure, and shared learning, we explored what sustainability looks like when built on shared values and needs. The engagement, commitment, and sense of community we experienced throughout the day was truly inspiring and we are excited to continue unpacking and pushing this new narrative for coffee — and we welcome everyone to join us on this journey. Special thanks for the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA) team for a wonderful collaboration and the International Trade Centre for their support to make this happen. And of course thanks for all the cooperatives, producers, exporters, and many partners for all your contributions, insights and excitement! Coffee Quality Institute T.J. Ryan Emma Sage Michael Sheridan Progreso Foundation Imke Straaten Masereka Brian Meine van der Graaf Yorick Bruins Pepper Hines JNP Coffee Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian Renata Hardewijn Union Hand-Roasted Coffee Pascale Schuit Eric Rukwaya Pieke Abelman Bonnie van Poortvliet Elizabeth Mbau Elucid Louisa Marie Tru? Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA) Sylvia Calfat Matthew Himmel Juan Pablo Solís Víquez Christopher Wunderlich Volkert Mathijs Doop Stories Café - African Specialty Coffee Lars Kahnert Lisa Ryser Tariku Edema Ndumuraro Ernest Alison Streacker Gilbert Gatali and many, many more. Photo credits Sjoerd Panhuysen